Chapter 12

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*Katniss is now 8 months pregnant*

We'd decided to call him Rye.

We couldn't wait. Neither could Willow.

Our family would be complete.

I had literally completed my only two goals on life

Goal number 1: Marry Katniss Everdeen

Goal number 2: Start a family with her

I'd set those goals when I was 14. And I got what I wanted.

I remember being 14 or 15 and thinking how I'd never stand a chance with her, all because I was too shy to talk to her, my uncle, who died just before I turned 16, who'd apparently been walking to close to a coal mine which exploded, always told me that 'if you wish hard enough, you'll always succeed' he was right.

Annie and Finn had gone home to district 4. Eva was just about to leave. Today. So Willow was spending Eva's last day with her. We tried to explain that Eva would be back in less than a month. Literally less than a month, because they promised they'd make it to district 12 when Rye arrives, but Willow insisted on spending the day with her, because a month is a very long time for her.

Katniss and I decided to go out to woods. Just to sit, and talk, and to spend some time together.

Katniss is laying with her head on my lap as I twist and play with her hair.

Suddenly, a thought strikes me. "We did this before. Real or not real?"

"Real" Katniss answers. "Before the quell, on the roof."

I smile. "I really love you."

She sits up, looking directly into my eyes. "I love you too"

She presses her lips gently onto mine, my fingers still loosely entwined in her hair.

I tuck a light purple flower, which I believe to be a violet in Katniss' hair before wrapping my arms tightly around her.

"I love you so much it hurts." I tell her, pressing my lips to the top of her hair.

"Maybe you should get that checked out" Katniss jokes.

I laugh. Not like a small laugh, but an uncontrollable, really loud laugh. Katniss laughs with me.

When I finally calm down Katniss says "you know, you're kind of cute when you laugh"

"Aww dang it." I reply "and I thought I was cute all the time."

I fake pout. "You are" she whispers. "You're perfect."

I press my lips onto hers. "I love you so much" she mumbles in the middle of the kiss.

"I love you too" I answer.

My hand finds hers and our fingers quickly interlock.

I break away for air, gazing into her eyes.

"Peeta?" A voice from somewhere behind me asks.

I turn around

"Holy shit" I whisper before I realise the words have slipped out of my mouth

I was staring straight at my supposedly dead uncle.

Authors note: Weather changed dramatically today. It's now terrible, so I should update tomorrow

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