Chapter 31

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Katniss' POV

Haymitch had went home in a huff, Johanna was still here, Willow had woken up, and I'd gotten Rye up.

Peeta was in the kitchen cooking breakfast, Johanna who at this point had decided to stay for breakfast suddenly got an idea.

"I've an idea" Johanna says, pulling her phone out of her pocket. "Let's video call Effie"

Johanna presses the call button and waits. It's only half 7, so Effie took a good minute to answer, her hair messy and blonde (at this point she wasn't wearing her wig) and her make up had not yet been applied.

"Ugh" Effie groans "why are you calling me so early? I'm sleepy, I had a party until midnight"

"Yeah" Johanna answers. "Well I got caught streaking at 4am"

"What?" Effie gasps

"Katniss dared me."

"You should of told her that wasn't nice"

"Katniss is beside me, you idiot"

"Okay Johanna, I didn't know."

"That's okay" Johanna says

"Yeah, me, Peeta, Jo and Haymitch played truth or dare."

"Yeah, me and Haymitch asked some very embarrassing questions"


"But Peeta got us back."

"How?" Effie asks

"Well he asked Jo and Haymitch if they were dating anyone, and their faces went bright red!" I exclaim.

"I didn't know you were daring anyone, Johanna"

"Yeah. It was a secret until last night, or this morning I guess"

"You'll never guess who Haymitch is dating!" Johanna says.

"Who?" Effie says going bright red.

Johanna senses that Effie doesn't know that we know it's her, so she decides to take advantage.

"Well, it appears he's gay"

"What!?!" Effie chokes

"Yeah, I was as shocked as you are. Personally, I don't think Gale Hawthorne's a good match for Haymitch, but he's happy, so I'm just going to let them be"

"Gale Hawthorne!" Effie said, looking upset.

"Yeah" I answered

"Oh" Effie looked like she was about to cry.

"Shit, we've got to go" Johanna rushes before I tell her it's a joke and quickly hangs up.

"That was mean but hilarious." I tell her.

"What'd she do" Peeta asks, walking in with pancakes.

"She told Effie that Haymitch was gay. I actually think she's crying right now."

"Poor Effie" he comments, wrapping his arms tightly around me, kissing the side of my shoulder and handing me my plate.

Willow bounces up on the couch beside me as Peeta hands her her plate before going in to get Johanna's and his own.

Johanna eats quickly, and I mean quickly, she's done before I've even properly started mine.

Johanna sets her plate on the floor just as Haymitch walks in the door, obviously angry.

"Fuck you Johanna!" He yells.

"Haymitch! Language!" I snap.

"I don't give a shit!"

"Haymitch. . . " Peeta warns

"Do you know who just fucking rang me?" He asks

"Haymitch, please, just tone down your language" Peeta says.

"I don't know" Johanna answers, "the president?"

"Very funny. It was Effie, crying her eyes out because I'd 'gone gay'"

"Maybe you should of thought about that before you went gay."

"I didn't fucking go gay! She told me you video called her."

"She's lying" Johanna answers coolly, absentmindedly stroking the handle of her axe.

"No she's not" he replied. "You made her fucking cry. Apologise."

"I'm Johanna Mason. I will never apologise."

And with that she walked out of the room, Haymitch storming out after her.

Less than 2 minutes later there's a knock at the door.

"I'll get it" Katniss says getting up and heading to the door.

Authors note: so obviously the next chapter will be the big meeting (I need to do research and it's kind of late here)

QOTD: Johanna or Haymitch, and why?

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