Chapter 20

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It got really cold, really quickly. By the time Willow had gone to bed we'd put the fire on, and we're snuggled up on the couch with a blanket, with the roaring fire crackling, and giving of the rooms only source of light.

"I didn't think it would be so cold in March" Katniss whispered

"Me either."

I grip her hand under the blanket, pressing my body closer to hers.

"I love you" she mumbles, crushing her lips to mine.

I kiss her back, running my fingers through her hair. "I love you too"

Things started to heat up rather quickly, she clambers on top of me.

She starts by unbuttoning my shirt, quickly tugging it off me.

It lands in a crumpled heap on the floor, my pants following shortly after.

I gently pull her shirt over her head, and struggle with her bra strap as she kicks out of her pants.

"Finally" I whisper as I eventually unhook her bra.

She kisses me again.

"You're so beautiful" I murmur

She moans lightly as I enter her.

"You're perfect in every way" she mumbles.

I press my lips to hers. Her fingers slide through my blond hair.

"Slow down please" she whispers.

"Okay" I say, slowing down.

"Thank you" she whispers, kissing my shoulder.

I shudder slightly.

I catch a bit of her dark hair in my hands, twirling it around my fingers.

"I want you so bad!" She moans.

I kiss her neck.

She moans again, as we reach our climaxes

She rolls off me, lying with her head resting on my shoulder. "I'm going to miss this" I whisper. "Once Rye comes we have to wait 3 whole weeks"

"I know" she replies. She scrambles up so she's looking straight in my eyes. "I promise, that when we can have sex again, I will give you the time of your life."

I smile crookedly. "What's your plan?"

"It's a secret" she whispers, kissing my nose. "But I promise, you'll love it."

"Please just tell me." I beg

"You may be very hot, and very charming, but there's no way I'm going to tell you."

"You think I'm hot?" I wink.

"You're irresistible." She replies "your hair, your eyes, your gentle lips, your jaw that's been carved by angels, your broad shoulders, your strong arms, your abs, and don't even get me started on what's between your legs."

I must blush. A lot.

"I also like it when you blush. It's cute."

"Do you want me to tell you what I love about you?" I ask

"Sure, go for it."

"Everything" I whisper, "I love everything about you. I love your extremely kissable lips. Your eyes. Your hair. I love your voice. I love your smile. I love the way that you're thin and delicate and that I need to look after you sometimes. I love your stubborn attitude, that's really hot. I love your hands. I love your hips. I love your bum." She laughs. "I also love these" I say, gently feeling her breasts.

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