Chapter 25

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Johanna's POV

I groan as I get up, I'd previously been sitting on the ground, leaning against a tree, and eating a tub of ice cream. But unfortunately, I'd ran out of ice cream, so I was going to go to the store and buy some more and go home due to the fact it was starting to get dack

I gently pull my axe out of the soft dirt and I make my way towards the fence.

My phone beeps and I fish it out of my jacket pocket.

'Drinking night tonight, got a babysitter, Eva and Annie are coming too by the way, meet at the entrance of victors village in an hour' - Katniss

I quickly type back. 'Thank god, I could do with a drink'

I wiggle under the fence, putting my earphones in and turning up the music, my axe swinging along by my left side.

My phone vibrates again

It's from Jack. 'Yo, Johanna. We need to meet up with you in 7. ASAP, possibly tomorrow. Ethan and Jake got in a fight and now Jake is threatening to give us up to the PoPo. And since you're the leader we need your final decision in person before we can take action.'

'Fucking bastard. Tell the guys I'll see them tomorrow, probably hungover, because I promised Katniss and everyone that we'd do the drinking night tonight, shove him in the closet for tonight so the fuckstick doesn't bring shit down on us'

I'd just passed the houses on the Seam and sent the message when I felt a tap on my shoulder.

I whip around quickly, my earphones pulling out.

"What the fuck do you want?" I asked

"Johanna, I need somewhere to stay, Matthew and Ash kicked me out."

"And I care why?"

"Don't talk to me like that, I'm you dad."

"Fuck off Steve"

He sighs "look, I need somewhere to stay, just for a week or so"

"I can't help you" I say, tossing my axe from my left hand to my right hand, grabbing my phone and earphones and shoving it in my pocket.

"You've a house in victors village, right?"

"Yeah I do, but I hate you, so you can sleep in the streets for all I care." I answer.

"But you do care"

"I really don't."

"Why not?"

"Because you treated me like shit. You broke my arm when I was 14. I fucking hate you."

"Do you know why I'm asking you?"

"Oh I don't know" I say sarcastically. "Maybe because my brothers were murdered by President Snow?"

He shuts up for a second. "No, because you're the only person I know."

I turn on my heel, walking down the street, through the town, and down the isolated road towards the entrance of victors village.

"Johanna Stacey Mason. Don't you dare walk away from me or -"

"Or what?" I ask. "Or you'll break my arm again?"

"No, you know what I mean."

"No I don't. I built all this myself. Yeah, I'm rich as fuck, I run my own gang and the people in the Capitol can't get enough of me. I don't need you. I fucking hate you, and if you died, I would only go to your funeral if there was vodka. Now, if you excuse me, I've got somewhere to go"

I walk on until he grabs my arm "don't you dare fucking touch me. I will kill you."

And with that I storm off, quite aware that he's still following me.

"Thanks for being late motherfucker" Katniss says at the entrance to Victors Village

"Long story" I sigh, grabbing one of the vodka bottles out of her hand and taking a long swig.

"Johanna!" Annie exclaims. "Stop that!" Annie exclaims.

"Make me" I snap

"She has the right idea" Haymitch answers.

"Johanna! Wait!" Steve yells.

"Go fuck yourself"

"Johanna is so nice" Katniss whispers sarcastically to Peeta.

"Don't you dare swear at me!"

"Fuck off Steve" I say, sticking up my middle finger.

"I just asked you for a favour."

"I'd rather fuck President Snow than let you live in my house."

"Wow, that hurts" he answers.

"Good" I say

"Let's go" Eva mutters.

"Good idea." I answer as we head towards the fence.

Authors note: Conor Maynard followed me yesterday.

So like, Willow followed me and then the next day Conor Maynard followed me, I'm like so happy.

The next chapter will probably be in Johanna's POV again, and something bad is going to happen.

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