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- EDITED, I'm on a break, I'm not writing so I thought I'll just edit this book, since it's competed, and oh my god, there are so many mistakes, I feel so embarrassed, how did you'll even read this pathetic shit I swear to god.
- if you still spot any grammatical errors please comment so I can correct it.
- it's honestly so boring to go through your own work ugh.

Starting over was never easy. Taehyung also thought if he'd change towns, things would get better. That his step father would leave him alone this time. He couldn't get anymore scars than he already has.

Clasping the straps of his bags tighter, he walked down the hallway to his assigned classroom. He was honestly so scared about people bullying him yet again because of his sexual preferences. It's not like he could help it, that he got attracted to boys rather than girls. It's honestly not his fault for being gay.

The world has progressed so much yet there are so many narrow minded people who think being gay is a crime, a sin that is worth some big punishment.

He was lost in his thoughts, he didn't realise where he was going and bumped into someone, his glasses fell on the ground and so did he, he looked up to see a blur of a guy because he really couldn't see without his glasses.

"Dude, watch where you are going." the guy grumbled as he bent down to grab his book which fell on the floor because of the collision.

"I-I am sorry, I really didn't mean to, I s-should've watched where I was going" Taehyung said still fumbling around with his hands, tapping the ground here and there, to get hold of his glasses.

The guy sighed before picking up Taehyung's glasses and handing it over to him "thank you" Taehyung said as he adjusted his glasses on his face and glanced at the boy to get a better look at him.

The boy was beautiful with blonde hair which was clearly dyed because taehyung could see the black roots growing. He had a straight nose and plump lips that looked so kissable. Taehyung quickly realised that he was staring so he averted his gaze, blushing and focused on the ground.

"Are you new here?" the guy asked.

"Yes, I just transferred here" Taehyung said meekly, eyes darting to take in the surrounding and he momentarily forgot he was still trying to find his classroom.

"Thought so, I couldn't miss a pretty face like yours" the boy shrugged.

Taehyung eyed widened. Did he just flirt with him.

"W-what?" Taehyung asked.

"Yes I'm gay, and I know you're gay too because I obviously caught you staring. Try to be subtle next time, you got lucky it's just me. By the way, my name is Jimin, Park Jimin."

"I'm t-taehyung, Kim Taehyung, I-it's nice to meet you"

Jimin thought Taehyung was cute, very cute in fact, he had those almond eyes and soft brown hair flopping on it and his lips looked quite kissable. He was sure he would attract all the boys attention, who are well- not straight.

"Do you know w-where class 3B is?" Taehyung asked quietly, and Jimin almost didn't hear it.

"Yeah, actually I'm heading towards that class too, you're way ahead, it's there behind" Jimin said as he pointed towards the class.

Taehyung's eyes widened as he blushed "yea i must be in-"

"Fucking another world. Dude this is your first day try not to gather much attention from people"

Jimin motioned to follow him as they walked to their classroom. Jimin went inside first and the teacher called him out for being late.

Jimin shrugged before saying "was helping the new guy here"

The teacher looked at Taehyung then as if she just finally noticed him standing there, which taehyung didn't get why because he was clearly taller than Jimin, he suddenly thought if jimin knew what he was thinking he would totally get annoyed at him.

"Well hello there, so you're new-"

Taehyung almost rolled his eyes, almost.

"-please introduce yourself"

Taehyung hated introduction. The people didn't care about him nor did he care about them so why the formalities.


"Dude hurry up, we need to start the lecture" some guy from behind yelled.

Tears welled up in his eyes but he took a deep breath. You have to be strong, he said to himself.

"-Taehyung, just t-transferred here" he managed to choke it out somehow.

That same guy snorted muttering a "obviously" loud enough for everyone to hear and people started snickering.

"You don't have to be a douche, douchebag" Jimin said venomously.

Taehyung looked up to the one person who actually stood up for him, and smiled at him.

Jimin was glad he stood up for Taehyung. He didn't know why but Jimin got this sudden feeling to protect him, like Taehyung was glass that could break easily. Even though he was clearly more shorter than Taehyung, Taehyung still looked so small.

"Well, you may go to your seat" the teacher said pointing him towards the seat at the back of the classroom near the window.

Taehyung made his way to his assigned seat.

He looked over to the boy beside him, he could only see his side profile but he couldn't stop staring because he was so handsome with his sharp jawline and raven black hair flopped on his forehead and the way his long fingers played with the pen in his hand-

"I can feel your stare. Stop it. I'm straight"

Taehyung eyes widened as he blushed muttering a quick 'sorry' before focusing outside the window zoning out on what the teacher was saying.

"You came with Jimin, i think you know him now, I'm Jungkook, Jeon Jungkook" the boy introduces himself, taehyung turned his head again to look at the boy and he was already looking at him and holy shit Taehyung thought he had never seen anyone more handsome and perfect in his whole life.

"I-I-I'm taehyung, Kim Taehyung" Taehyung said meeting his eyes for a second before averting his gaze again.

Jungkook went still for a moment, Taehyung was really really good looking , and that coming from a straight boy like him was a big compliment. He would obviously never say it out loud.

He could actually see why Jimin even wanted to be friends with him.

He took one last look at the boy, who's cheeks were dusted pink, biting his lip anxiously. Jungkook thought if he didn't stop he would start bleeding.

He focused again in the front but his eyes would unconsciously wander back to Taehyung again like it was the most obvious thing to do.

Maybe it's just because this seat was vacant for so long so it will take him time to get use to it, Jungkook thought.

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