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"Taehyung, what's wrong?" Jimin has spotted taehyung sitting against the tree, his knees up to his chest and his head buried in his arms. Jimin knew the moment something was up when Jungkook arrived at their table. His eyes were puffy, red like he has been crying. He just came and sat there with his tray staring at it. He did not take a single bite. When hoseok asked him what's wrong he just looked at him, for a second, thirty seconds, a minute before he went back to staring blankly at the food. Jimin waited and waited for taehyung to arrive but he did not. That was the moment he knew something went wrong between them.

Taehyung looked up at jimin, his face puffy. He wasn't crying, but he looked like he was holding in all in. For his sake, for others sake.

Jimin crouched down near him and pulled him into a hug. Taehyung fisted jimin's shirt in the back cried into his shoulder, finally breaking down again.

"Jiminie" he whimpered.

"I messed up" he cried.

Jimin pulled back, gently removing Taehyung's glasses from his face.

"Breathe tae"

Taehyung took a deep breathe "I told Jungkook I liked him, I don't even know what I started liking him jiminie I just did and t-the way he said he doesn't like me like that...it hurts jiminie" taehyung said his figure slouching against jimin now.

Jimin cupped Taehyung's face wiping his tears "he likes you tae, he's just too stupid to see that"

Taehyung bit his lip "don't lie jiminie, he doesn't you're only getting my hopes up"

"He does, believe me he does, give him some time, he will come around"

Taehyung reluctantly nodded.

Jimin wiped Taehyung's face so he didn't look like he had a break down " let's go have lunch"

Taehyung shook his head "I'm not hungry"

Jimin raised his eyebrows "I am asking you nicely I don't want to opt for plan B" he said with a mischievous glint in his eye.

"I don't want to" taehyung said backing against the tree.

Jimin smirked "you asked for it"

He jumped on taehyung, his hands either side of his waist as his fingers dig into Taehyung's skin.

Taehyung let out a loud laugh "s-stop it jimin ah"

"Tell me you're coming" jimin said while poking his sides. Taehyung rolled around trying to push jimin off but jimin was too strong.

They didn't care that their clothes got all muddy.

Taehyung took short breathes his eyes filled with tears, but the different kind.

"O-okay i-I'll come s-stop" Tahyung said in between laughs.

Jimin stopped and smiled eyes forming into crescents. "Okay let's go" he said grabbing Taehyung's hand and pulling him with him.

Taehyung didn't say it loudly but jimin knew he was so thankful. The way his fingers lightly squeezes jimin's hands as he smiled, gave it all away. Jimin decided he will never let that smile slip of Taehyung's face.

And, oh darn him if he isn't going to make Jungkook suffer.

Hand in hand they made their way to the cafeteria, Yoongi spotted them first and raised his eyebrows at jimin, jimin just shook his head.

Hoseok saw them and commented "I thought taehyung went missing"

Jungkook's head snapped up at Taehyung's name and look over to him. Taehyung wasn't looking at Jungkook though, he was grinning sheepishly at hoseok.

Jungkook felt a tug at his heart, taehyung seemed okay, in fact he seemed perfectly fine holding hands with jimin now. Suddenly Jungkook wondered, whether taehyung confessed or he did, because it wasn't taehyung who was on the verge of breaking, it was him.

"Why are you both dirty? Did you roll in the mud?" Jin asked tugging the material of jimin's off white shirt which had now turned brown because of the dirt.

Seemingly realising, taehyung looked at his clothes and frowned "jiminie, they were expensive" taehyung whined.

Jimin smirked and drawled lazily "it's okay I'll wash them for you"

Taehyung flushes and the others just raised their eyebrows, eyes darting from taehyung to jimin, wondering what's going on.

"Hyung move over, there's only some time left and we haven't even eaten" jimin said slightly pushing Yoongi who flared but complied.

Even though there was no space left on the table because of Yoongi's heavy music material that seemed too precious to be kept on the floor.

Taehyung glanced over, deciding what to do. Jungkook noticed his hesitation hand opened his mouth to call him over his place because he was done but jimin beat him to it.

He just grabbed Taehyung's hand and pulled him down towards his lap. So now taehyung was practically sitting in jimin while jimin fed the blushing big and Jungkook's blood boiled.

Taehyung did not even look at him. Did he even like him at all? Jungkook watched at jimin sweetly fed taehyung, with one hand wrapped around taehyung so he did not fall off and other hand used in feeding him. Taehyung was obvious to Jungkook's glare, he sat happily eating with his arms around jimin's neck for support.

He noticed hoseok eyeing them before going back to eating his food. Namjoon and Jin not caring enough and bickering over who will get the last chicken piece and Yoongi was too deep into music to care what's happening around him.

Jungkook huffed, grabbing his backup and leaving.

Jimin smirked. Not gay my ass.

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