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Taehyung would never want Jungkook or anyone else finding out that is is pathetic, poor and loving is a four walled room with only a bed and a bag full on only some clothes he had. He'd never want them to know about his past. He can't socialise that much because then his step father would find out where he lives and hell would break loose.

He really cherished his friends,which taehyung thinks they are, because they helped him. Yoongi practically saved his ass today. People are no good than the previous town he was in. It's just that taehyung has to made the right choices choosing right people he'd want to hang out with. He couldn't afford a Jackson replay really.

He made his way to the building where he has a small room, that was the only thing he could afford. He really needed a job now, he checked his watch to see it was 4pm now, he had previously seen some flyers for Job recruitment.

He left his bag in the apartment- room and made his way towards that ice cream shop that needed people.

When he reached there he was greeted by a boy about his height happily humming to a song he didn't know.

Taehyung cleared his throat "e-excuse me? I-I'm here for a job" the boy looked up staring at taehyung for about 15 minutes before he scarmbled after nodding quickly.

He came out after a minute or two " yeah boss called you in"

Taehyung took a deep breath, he needed this money. He needed this money to survive.

He walked in the small cabin, and found a man sitting on the chair "h-hello" taehyung said as he entered.

The man looked up and gave him a smile. He looked quite young to own the ice cream parlour " you must be taehyung I assume? You're here for a job?" He asked clasping his fingers together and placing them on the table while giving smile a smile.

Taehyung quickly nodded " yes"

Then boss nodded "Do you have any previous experience?"

Taehyung grimaced he knew he would be asked this. He shook his head "N-no but I promise I'll try my b-best"

The boss chuckled nodding "well them taehyung, you can start from tomorrow, you will be paid according to the work you do"

Taehyung nodded gracefully before getting up and extending his hand for the man to shake "thank you so much, I-I won't disappoint you sir"

The man beamed nodding enthusiastically "yes I think so too, by the way don't call me sir, it makes me look old, I'm not haha, my dad owns this and I manage it"

Taehyung opened his mouth forming a 'O' his question answered as to why the man looked so young.

"My name is Park Bogum"

"It's nice to meet you bogumie Hyung" bogum's eyes widened before he laughed "I could get use to that"

"Minjae is outside he will teach you the basics so you can start tomorrow" bogum said walked towards him and ruffling his hair affectionately. He thought taehyung was very cute.

Taehyung nodded happily before waving and making his way outside.

"Taehyung here" the said minjae waved at him calling him over.

Minjae was quiet cute with medium height, he was still shorter than taehyung.

"Uhm, how long have you been working here" taehyung asked trying to make small talk and minjae explained him the basics.

"I've been working here for six months now, you know the best part is you can eat free ice creams anytime you want, but not that much because boss is quite nice but he can get scary when needed" minjae winked before quickly warning him.

Taehyung nodded understanding. "Well yeah, you've learned the basic that's not so much to learn about serving ice creams" minjae said chucking to which taehyung followed.

Taehyung said a quick goodbye saying he will see them tomorrow to his boss and Minjae.

He finally reached his apartment-room and flopped on bed. His mind filled with the happenings from Jackson to Jungkook to his new job. His life will be eventful from now on since he has a good job and good friends.

Meanwhile Jungkook was on his bed staring at the ceiling, taehyung was definitely hiding something, the way he quickly bailed out after Jungkook mentioned a ride and the way he flinched because of slight punch.

His phone pinged signalling a message bringing him out of thoughts.

Eunwon: baby, I'm finally coming back tomorrow, can't wait to see you ❤️

Jungkook stared at the message, he totally forgot about her, they had broken up because she had gone abroad to study, she was finally coming back so they could get back together again.

Jungkook : can't wait 🤗

Eunwon : pick me up from home! We can go to school together.

Jungkook : Yeah sure

With that he switched off time. He didn't know why but he wasn't that thrilled which he seemed he would be.

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