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Jungkook hung out with taehyung in the ice cream parlour till Taehyung's shift was over, taehyung seemed to be more comfortable with Jungkook now, joking with him teasing him and vice versa.

Minjae was beyond uncomfortable in the moment. He looked over at taehyung who was feeding Jungkook some ice-cream.Free. Taehyung giggled at something which Jungkook said.

Minjae scowled. He did not sign up for this. He decided to voice his opinion.

"I feel like I'm a third wheel on a date, could you'll stop it?" Minjae scowled.

Taehyung looked at him innocently with a slight blush as he tilted his head.

Minjae's composure broke at he looked at him. Fuck taehyung and his adorable eye and hair and cheeks.

Jungkook smirked as Minjae got flustered because of taehyung.

Taehyung well, remained oblivious to everything shyly muttering "it's not like that"

It was time to leave, taehyung had gone out to throw the trash, Jungkook quickly took that moment to slam a hundred dollar bill on the table.

Minjae raised his eyebrows "what is this for"

"Add it in Taehyung's tip jar, will you?" Jungkook asked.

Minjae held eye contact for a while before nodding, what was with his, did he like taehyung or something, but he was straight.

Jungkook joined taehyung outside and helped with with the trash " do you want me to drop you home, it's pretty late"

"No, thanks for the offer" taehyung said in a clipped tone.

Jungkook frowned.

"Okay, I'll leave now" he said waving at Jungkook and minjae as he started walking down the street.


School was pretty much the same for Jungkook the next day, he only difference was taehyung and him were close now, Jungkook had finally escaped from the clutches of the girl he once called his girlfriend, yea the sex was good, still would be but he just wasn't interested.

Yoongi grumbled about how taehyung just left him without a second thought, and did not remember the times ( which was actually one time) when he led his shoulder.

Jimin smirked at this " bet my shoulder is more confortable" both jimin and Yoongi had a staring contest before looking at taehyung who was at a loss of words, he didn't want to upset any of them, so he just leaned his head to the other side, that is in Jungkook's shoulder. Jungkook stiffened at the sudden contact before smirking at both Yoongi and jimin who just scowled.

Taehyung giggled when he saw hoseok happily munching on his food not caring what was going on, hoseok said "food comes first" defending himself and taehyung whole heartedly agreed.

It was almost the end of the day when everyone was standing by Taehyung's locker, talking as taehyung was putting his books inside.

Taehyung spotter Jackson walking in his general direction and flinched, seemingly everyone noticed this. Jungkook and Yoongi quickly pushed taehyung behind them and sneered at him, just like wolves do when they want to protect something.

Jin and namjoon, the two wise people looked calm, knowing that Jackson wouldn't cause any drama in the hallway, he wouldn't even stand a chance against all six of them. Yoongi and Jungkook were enough just to bring all the opponents down.

Hoseok quickly threw the banana peel on Jackson's way, Jackson lost his footing and fell down face first to the ground. Hoseok and jimin started laughing hysterically but noticing Jackson's murderous glare they stopped.

Hoseok smirked " Oops"

He dared Jackson to make a move but the kid was smart knowing he wouldn't stand a chance against them, then again his bruises from the time Jungkook had almost killed him were still visible.

He and his friends quickly flee from the scene. Obviously, Jungkook thought, it's easy to show how much of a man he was in front of his fragile, defenceless taehyung. Look at his way again, and Jungkook was sure he would cut him in pieces and feed him to the dogs.

Wait, did he say his, that was totally not what I meant, Jungkook thought shaking his head.

Well this was normal now, he didn't even know what was normal anymore, so maybe this was it.

Jungkook offered a ride to taehyung again, and taehyung declined yet again, the more he tried to be mysterious , the more Jungkook got curious, he was bad for taehyung atlast, Jungkook thought, because there's only so much patience left in him before he follows taehyung yet again, like a stalker.

Jungkook pretended he forgot that he ever followed taehyung or that he ever knew he worked in an ice-cream parlour and so did taehyung.

Jungkook had still asked him about his work schedule and taehyung replied with that he only worked on Monday's, Wednesday's, fridays and Saturday's.

So Jungkook believed when  taehyung said that he was going home only to be surprised when he saw him with a guy who probably looked 3 years or so older than him in the mall.

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