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No matter how hard taehyung tried to hide, jungkook would know. He spend the next few days inquiring, researching about taehyung's step dad. He even went to Bogum to ask him about Taehyung's lie.

Bogum hesistated at first, but as soon as jungkook said "it's about taehyung's safety, please tell me I it's a lie" and Bogum nodded instantly, " I don't know why he asked me to go with this, it's ridiculous.

No,it's not. Jungkook thought.

Jungkook gathered up all the information. Taehyung's stepfathers name was Kim yoonsung. He didn't have any family or relatives when he married taehyung's mom. All her previous wife's had broken the marriage because of his abusive behaviour. When he married taehyung's mom, he was basically broke, he lived with them and used all their money. After taehyung's mother died he must've started abusing taehyung.

And taehyung ran when he couldn't handle it anymore, jungkook guesses. With all the money he must've secretly saved up.

Jungkook crouched down when taehyung came out of the cafe, more like ran out, he couldn't see taehyung's face so he couldn't tell if he was crying but he was slightly shaking.

One more thing jungkook noticed was, taehyung was walking at an extremely slow pace, jungkook tried not to make any noise as he followed behind. He knew taehyung didn't want to go home, maybe his step father is at home.

Jungkook's breath hitched, at that thought.

He should've done something sooner.

Taehyung turned to the corner entering a very old looking building.

Jungkook followed him, taehyung climbed up to the first floor. He stood outside the house for some time, breathing hard, then shakily extended his hand to turn the knob and hesitantly went inside.

Jungkook's phone beeped.

Unknown number : delivery is here.

Jungkook quickly texted back the address and went down the building to collect his delivery.

After 5 minutes of waiting, a car came and halted before him, he was wearing a black SnapBack and was dressed in black clothing.

"How much is it?" Jungkook asked.


Jungkook's eyes widen "geez that expensive" he said removing two cheques and handing it to the man.

The man smirked "well what do you expect, one shot and dead"

Jungkook smirked back. Ofcourse.

His fingers pressed against the cold metal of the gun. He ordered an IMI desert eagle. The most expensive and efficient one. He didn't intend to kill but it was just for self defence.

"I've added a silencer like you've asked" the man said opening the car door to get in.

Jungkook nodded and tucked the gun on his waist band of his jeans and covered it with his jacket.

It's only for self defence, at the extreme case, he said to himself as he ran towards the building.

As e reached the floor, he heard crying. And it was undeniably taehyung's. Jungkook's blood boil, that fucking bastard.

He kicked the door open to see taehyung on the floor crying and that bastard ready to hit him with his belt.

"Sorry, I'm late baby" jungkook said looking at taehyung with eyes full of love.

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