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Jungkook was conflicted with everything, he suddenly started noticing everything about taehyung, the way he smiles, the way he bites his lips whenever he was nervous, the way his tongue would peep out when he concentrated, just the little things and jungkook didn't understand when they started meaning so much to him.

He feels now, even though he isn't. It's like taehyung and him and connected, when taehyung smiles, jungkook smiles, when taehyung frowns, jungkook frowns, when taehyung laughs so does jungkook.

The others probably noticed, hoseok noticed the way jungkook's eyes would slightly light up when they were talking about taehyung, Jin noticed even when taehyung wasn't talking jungkooks eyes would drift to him, namjoon noticed the little brushes of hands, when he passes by jungkook was purposely brush some of his body part against taehyung, him in wondered why everything was suddenly about taehyung, when they were talking about a random pen brand jungkook animatedly explained how taehyung would like this certain brand because the pen could be easily handed. Yoongi had never seen jungkook stutter, not once, so when taehyung smiled that kinda smile that would make the sun lose its beauty he saw jungkook flustered, no flustered is an understatement, he went from normal to fucking blood red in seconds.

Yoongi wasn't surprised, taehyung was something else. He could see jungkook handling taehyung with care, like taehyung was a glass doll, one wrong move and he would shatter in about a hundred pieces.

On the other hand, jimin just wanted to prove a point, he purposely clung to taehyung like his life depended on it, he never left him alone and he could see patience wearing thin. He could see those clocks working in jungkook's brain figuring out how to seperate the two of them.

The thing that finally did it was when jimin slowly leaned towards taehyung and placed a kiss on his cheek, which made taehyung blush crazily. Jimin turned to look at jungkook who got up from the table and punched jimin straight on his face.

He then proceeded to lift jimin from his collar, making it difficult to breathe "he's mine" jungkook seethes, his eyes almost turning black from anger, forehead veins popping out.

Jimin just smiled like a lunatic "gotcha" he said before shoving jungkook and hifi-ing hoseok while yoongi shook his head disapprovingly.

Namjoon grinned at seokjin "you owe me money" jungkook's jaw dropped open in disbelief, he wasted all this energy for nothing.

He didn't dare meet taehyung' eyes.

"So you are gay." Yoongi said crossing his arms over his chest tilting his head to the side.

"No I'm not" jungkook said rolling his eyes.

He looked at taehyung now, who was looking like a injured puppy.

Jungkook grinned " I'm only gay for taehyung"

Taehyung instantly brightened up before clinging to jungkook while hoseok and jimin made gag noises in the background.

"Ew this is disgusting, can't believe you said that man" namjoon said shaking his head " -20 points from me" he said

Jungkook opened his mouth to reply but taehyung Cut him off "+50 points from me"

Jungkook smiled waving namjoon off "your points don't matter bro whatever"

Namjoon scowled and got side hugged from seokjin who whispered "it matters to me"

Jimin and hoseok continued to make gag noises in the background.

That's all they ever did.

School was almost over and jungkook asked taehyung if he wanted a ride to which taehyung declined.

Jungkook pouted "but I'm your boyfriend" taehyung just stared at him for some time before he realised what he said, he covered his mouth with his hands cutely before he stuttered "I-I mean, if you w-want , it's o-okay if you don't-"

Taehyung grinned "you never asked"

Jungkook's mouth formed an O as if he just realised him before he smiled sweetly, bunny teeth shaking, eyes forming into crescents "taehyung, I suck at romance, but I'll google some Shakespeare quotes just for you so will you be my boyfriend"

Taehyung quickly leaned in and pecked on jungkook's lips " I suck at cooking but I'll try not to set your beautiful kitchen on fire, so yes"

Jungkook thought he'd never be more happier.

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