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Time flew by pretty fast for Taehyung, Jimin was an angel, he walked him to his next classes even though Jimin's were so far apart from his. He never spoke to Jungkook again but that didn't stop him from stealing glances at the boy whenever he was in the same class as him.

When the bell rang, Taehyung knew it was time for lunch he walked out of the class dreading that he will have to sit alone because he was so antisocial but then there was Jimin standing outside his classroom leaning against the door and practically glaring at anyone who tired to make eye contact.

Taehyung felt beyond grateful " what're you doing here? It's lunch isn't it" he asked.

Jimin rolled his eyes " Obviously, I know, do you want to sit alone ?" He asked side glancing Taehyung.

"Ah, no, thank you thank you so much" Taehyung said gratefully as he threw himself over jimin hugging him tightly, Jimin froze slightly before regaining his composure hugging taehyung back. Taehyung was really really soft.

"You can sit with us, me and my friends"

Taehyung was so thankful but at the same time he was anxious, meeting new people means introductions again. And jimin seemed kind off famous so Taehyung wasn't sure what he was getting himself into as he silently followed behind Jimin.

Jimin stopped in front of the table where 6 boys were sitting, thankfully no girls.

Taehyung opened his mouth to stutter his name out but Jimin beat him to it "Guys, this is Taehyung, he's new here and I hope he can sit with us"

The guy with black hair nodded enthusiastically and waved while the guy practically sticking to him just smiled. The guy with red hair got up and and did some weird welcome dance moves before slapping Taehyung's back and giving him a wide smile with  all teeth, it kinda blinded him like a sun ray, in a good way ofcourse.

The guy with mint green hair shrugged in indifference, he kind off gave the scary vibe, like he'd crush you if you did something wrong and then finally his eyes met with the person who just sat there staring, like he was frozen or something. Jungkook.

Something's you can't escape, Taehyung thought.

"The guy with black hair who looks like a father is Seokjin, but you can call him Jin" Jimin started introducing while Jin smacked him on his head yelling a 'hey' "-the guy sticking to him with kinda blonde hair- I don't know- is Namjoon, he's the god of destroying things so you kinda wanna keep your distance" Taehyung glanced at namjoon who just rolled his eyes, making Taehyung smile.
"And yeah they're practically married it's gross" Jimin said making Taehyung laugh.

Jungkook looked up at Taehyung laughing, all eyes crinkling and wide open mouthed laugh, the one you could probably set as your alarm because it's so pleasant you wouldn't mind waking up to it everyday.

His eyes met Jimin who gave him a pointed look but Jungkook could say even he was affected by Taehyung's laugh, they all were, even Yoongi who was practically dozing was now wide awake.

Jimin shook his head and continued " that's Yoongi, but he goes by suga because he thinks it's cool" Suga narrowed his cat like eyes at Jimin scowling at his statement but didn't bother to comment. Taehyung quickly glanced at him before looking back at Jimin.

" the guy with red hair is Hoseok, but you can call him jhope -"

"- because I'm your hope, you're my hope, jhope" Hoseok beat Jimin to it and smiled widely at Taehyung. He really was like a sun shining like that. Besides Jimin, Taehyung was sure he would be most comfortable with hoseok.

"Yeah well, and that's -"

"Jeon Jungkook, i think we've met" Jungkook completed for Jimin.

Taehyung squirmed under jungkook's pointed stare and muttered a 'Yeah'.

After all introductions were done Taehyung shifted a little closer to jimin and leaned to whisper in his ear "h-hoseok may be my hope but you're my angel"

To say, Jimin blushed at that was an understatement, that boy practically turned red, making Taehyung giggle.

They did not notice two pointed stares from Yoongi who looked like he could kill and Jungkook who narrowed his eyes and wondered what the hell did Taehyung say to make Jimin blush. That boy never went this red before.

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