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Taehyung walked into the ice cream shop, lips sporting a huge smile, stretching that wide one would think his face would spilt apart if he didn't stop smiling.

Following his trail is jungkook, who had identical expression on his face. Taehyung had accepted his ride, after jungkook asked him out to be his boyfriend.

Minjae lowly whistled when he saw taehyung and jungkook "did I miss something" he asked teasingly wiggling his eyebrows.

"Yeah, we are dating" jungkook said wrapping his arm around taehyung waist and pulling him close.

"Well, that escalated fast" minjae said laughing and taehyung just grinned.

The cabins door opened and bogum walked out typing furiously on his phone, as if noticed noticing some presence he looked up, his face instantly brightened when he looked at taehyung , he walked towards his and engulfed him into a hug, which taehyung more than happily returned "how's my Tae baby doing?" He asked happily, eyes shinning brightly.

"I'm not doing good Hyung" taehyung said all smiley and jungkook was starting to get bitter so he cleared his throat, very loudly.

Bogum as if just noticing jungkook's presence, he turned towards him and smiled "oh hello, jungkook I assume"

Jungkook just narrowed his eyes at Bogum, he turned towards taehyung "who's he?"

"Oh, he is my boss, he's the owner of this place, and he was kind enough to give me this job even though I'm inexperienced." Taehyung said before smiling up at bogum.

Jungkook's face with a 360 in 0.1 second.

He went from all dark and broody to smiling so quick bogum almost thought he saw it wrong. "Hello, I'm jungkook" he said extending his hand.

And as bogum went to shake it jungkook continued "taehyung's boyfriend"

Jungkook almost thought he saw something flash in bogum's eyes but it went away too quickly for bogum to decipher it.

He just nodded, smiling slightly.

Time went by fast when jungkook was there with him, bogum has objected to jungkook sitting in the parlour because he thought jungkook was a distraction. But after jungkook's constant pleading that he wouldn't distract anyone and be there like a decoration, bogum finally gave in.

Jungkook would crack jokes, making both taehyung and minjae laugh. Minjae suggested that it wouldn't be too bad if jungkook worked here but jungkook politely declined, because he wouldn't be able to concentrate, or be nice to the customers, but taehyung knew in all honesty jungkook didn't need to work at this age, he was filthy rich, they all were, including minjae.

It was 8pm now, the parlour was nearing its closing time, jungkook was still there, now playing some game on his phone and grumbling when he would loose.

The door bell jingled and I came a guy, he was blonde hair and straight features. He approached taehyung and taehyung smiled politely "what would you like sir?"

The guy's eyes skimmed through the ice cream flavours before he looked at taehyung "vanilla" he said smirking.

Taehyung felt like it was suppose to mean something by the guys facial expression but he didn't get it.

Jungkook shoved his phone in his pocket now bored of the game and narrowed his eyes at the guy when he heard his order.

Taehyung smiled "sure"

He quickly scooped the ice cream while minjae worked as a cashier. Taehyung handed the ice-cream to the guy. The guy just stared at him in return.

"Would you like anything else sir?" Taehyung asked confused.

The guy gave taehyung a lopsided smile "how about your number" he asked.

Taehyung blushed, he opened his mouth to answer but jungkook beat him to it "how about my fist on your face?" He said jumping around to counter pushing taehyung behind his back.

He glared at the guy. The guy raised his hands "woah, sorry mate, didn't know he was taken"

"Ofcourse you didn't" jungkook muttered under his breathe before looking up at the guy "fuck off now" he deadpanned.

The guy quickly scrambled away.

Taehyung sighed beside jungkook "I could handle it you know" he said softly.

Jungkook smiled sheepishly "I know"

"That guy looked persuasive you know" minjae commented from the side, watching the whole scene unfold.

Jungkook smiled triumphantly "see! you're too soft looking, you won't be intimidating even if you tried, so let me take care of this" jungkook teaser. Taehyung pouted lightly pinching jungkook's bicep, unless he couldn't because it was too hard, then he proceeded to pinch his own which was too soft.

Jungkook wiggled his eyebrows, forming an expression which screamed 'see what I mean'

Taehyung chucked his tongue out before he turned back wiping his hands.

Jungkook laughed. "Ok I'll close, you two can leave" minjae said grabbing his things. Taehyung nodded.

"You know" jungkook started "instead of you nametag you can put one which states 'jungkook's"

Minjae snorted "stop being stupid"

Taehyung agreed. Jungkook pouted childishly "what if this happens when I'm not there?"

"I can handle it jungkook" taehyung said seriously.

"I'll be there, bogum will be there" minjae said from the side.

Jungkook nodded satisfied.

"I'll drop you home" jungkook said grabbing his keys.

"No, there's no need, it's near from here" taehyung said denying jungkook.

Jungkook opened his mouth to argue but taehyung insisted "I can go from here, jungkook I'm not a kid, don't treat me like one"

Jungkook took in taehyung's dead serious expression and didn't argue more.

"Stay on the call till you reach home" jungkook said to which taehyung agreed.

As promised, taehyung stayed on the call with jungkook till he reached his door, talking about all random things, that didn't make sense, but none of them cared.

Taehyung saw a bouquet of flowers at his door, with a note attached to it, he flipped the note to read what was written and his heart almost stopped beating.

There in bold handwritings,was written "MISSED ME SON"

"Taehyung? Taehyung are you still there?" Jungkook asked from the phone.

Taehyung mustered all his courage to speak "y-yeah, I-I reached, I-I'll call you later, bye" with that he hung up.

Taehyung opened his apartment door and closed it leaning against it with his eyes closed.

"You know I dislike waiting son" a voice said from the side.

He jumped, startled. He looked towards the side to see his nightmare sitting on the chair.

And suddenly, taehyung questioned himself if he could ever escape.

On the other hand, jungkook stared at the phone, taehyung abruptly hung up on him, and an unknown feeling of dread washed over him.

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