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It's been half an hour of aimlessly driving following minjae's car, is he going to take taehyung somewhere deserted and kill him.

He will be there when taehyung will be in danger, or that's what he tells himself.

The car comes to a halt in front of an ice-cream shop. Jungkook scoffs, So this was his idea of a date, so lousy.

Minjae and taehyung enter the shop side by side and Jungkook follows behind slowly trying not to be seen.

He crouches down and peeps from behind the glass, minjae hands taehyung a apron and helps him with putting it on, then he gives him a cap which says 'ice on' the shops name on it.

Jungkook raises his eyebrows mouth forming in an 'O'. So they're not on a date or anything, taehyung works here.

Jungkook felt unknown relief wash over his body, he didn't know why he was so concerned about this. Jungkook chuckled looked over taehyung again, he looked so cute wearing that apron and eyes wide looking at the ice cream flavour, Jungkook almost thought he could see that drool forming.

He smiled at minjae, giving his world famous boxy smile that would make anyone's knees go weak.

Minjae stared for a moment too long before averting his gaze blushing. Taehyung obviously remained oblivious to it.

Jungkook scoffed.

He didn't know how long he sat there just staring at taehyung. He glanced at his watch

Oh shit, it was six already he, thought.

He made a move to get up but he didn't notice the small beside him, and by mistake he stepped on his tail.

Jungkook winced as the dog got up growling and started barking.

Oh shit

The dogs barking grabbed minjae and Taehyung's attention as they ran out of the shop to see what was going on.

Jungkook tried to hide his face but it was too late.

Taehyung had already seen him.

Now taehyung was gonna think he was a creep and stalker who had no work but to follow people around, Jungkook thought.

Jungkook's eyes met Taehyung's

To say that taehyung looked hurt was a understatement, tears started brimming in his eyes as he ran in the store towards the washroom.

Oh shoot, Jungkook thought. He totally forgot that taehyung didn't want them to know about what he was doing that's why he tried to hide it.

Minjae looked at him with disgust

"Why would you do that? Do you get happiness from looking down at people and making them feel small and unworthy?" Minjae said frowning but his voice still low not trying to attract customers.

Jungkook opened his mouth to explain that his intention was not that but he quickly closed it, realising that he did not care about what minjae though, he cared about what taehyung thought, so he ran behind taehyung.

He pushed the washroom door open. He looked around but he couldn't see taehyung.

Then he heard sniffing from one of the stalls.

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