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Taehyung huffed as he dragged himself from the bustop to the school, today was suppose to be a good day he thought, then why was he already feeling half dead inside?

As he entered the school gates he saw a crowd of people gathered obsessing over something and they spoke in hushed whispers.

He made his way just to find a guy leaned on a sleek black car which he didn't recognise because he had zero knowledge about cars (a/n haha I just don't want to google a car lmao) and a girl clinging on his arm.

He rolled his eyes, people were definitely weird. Before he turned around to leave the guy turned his head so now he could see the guys's face clearly.


It was him. With a girl clinging on his arm. He felt his stomach drop as he stared at them more longer.

There was no need to feel this way, Jungkook had made it clear that he was straight. Just because he helped him previously doesn't make him gay now.

As if feeling the particular stare Jungkook turned his head and they made eye contact.

Jungkook's eyes met taehyung who stood among the crowd. From this far too he could the hurt in his eyes as if Jungkook killed his puppy or something. Jungkook was confused as to why was he acting like this when he clearly told him that he was straight. More importantly he was confused why there was this sudden weird feeling in the pit of his stomach crawling and gnawing on him.

Taehyung quickly turned and started walking away. He made a move to follow him before he realised that Eunwon was clinging to him so tightly he couldn't shake her off even if he wanted to.

"Baby, shall we go to the class, I think I heard the bell ringing" she asked looking up at him and batting her eyelashes.

Jungkook simply nodded and started walking.

"Babe, will you carry my bag?" Eunwon asked giving him her best puppy dog eyes.

Jungkook scowled "you want me to carry that? It's not even a backpack it's a fucking handbag and also pink"

Eunwon frowned "so?"

Jungkook raised his eyebrows incredulously "what do you mean 'so' I'm not carrying that shit around." He said before walking off leaving her behind.

Eunwon huffed before following him.

Taehyung was already seated when Jungkook entered the class. Taehyung was staring outside the window and Jungkook noticed the sunlight illuminating his face making patterns, his eyelashes turning gold and his lips looking more pink than usual. He made him way towards his seat and muttered a quick 'hi' in Taehyung's direction.

Taehyung turned his head slightly and nodded shyly not speaking anything as he went back to looking outside as if it was the most interesting thing ever.

Eunwon saw that the other seat was far away from Jungkook and she did not want to be separated from him.

She looked towards the boy sitting near the window beside Jungkook. He looked kinda nerdish so he wouldn't mind swapping his seat no. No one could say no to her, she thought.

Taehyung was busy staring at the beautiful trees when someone cleared their throat, more specifically a girl.

He turned his head to see the same girl who was with Jungkook previously.

"Excuse me, do you mind swapping your seat, I want to sit with my boyfriend?" She said in a sickening sweet tone smiling at taehyung before flipping her hair.

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