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Jungkook did not mean to say that, he did not mean to bring Taehyung home, he did not mean to cry, he did not mean to give him short shorts purposely. He did not mean all of that but he absolutely meant it.

So the moment he said that,he couldn't figure out who's more redder, taehyung or himself.

Taehyung gaped ya him, eyes wide, eyebrows raised looking dumbfounded, almost as if he felt like he was hearing things. Jungkook opened his mouth to say something but closed it again not having words. He looked like a fish out of water, thirsty opening his mouth and closing it again. He wanted to almost hit his mouth and wanted to hit himself for not having brain to mouth filter but he didn't know how to do that without making a bigger fool of himself that he already is.

"I-I-I meant your legs are feminine" Jungkook said shakily eyes darting everywhere as he scratched the back of his head.

"I'll take that as a compliment" taehyung said cheekily smiling at Jungkook.

Oh god, it is a compliment, Jungkook thought.

"I'll have a shower, watch tv if you want" Jungkook said before rushing to his room not waiting for Taehyung's reply, he closed the door quickly and leaned against it taking deep breathes, paying his hand on his chest to calm his erratically beating heart. Jungkook wondered is taehyung could hear his loudly thumping heart, he hoped not.

I'm not gay, but I'm so gay for Taehyung, Jungkook thought.

Jungkook walked out of the bathroom, bangs of his hair still damp from having a shower.

He walked in the living room and spotted taehyung sprawled on the couch, his tshirt slightly ridden up exposing the soft skin of his belly. Jungkook stared for some seconds before shaking his eyes and averting his gaze.

"So what're you watching?" Jungkook asked eyes the TV which had Taehyung's attention.

"Seriously lion king! What are you 12?" Jungkook asked amused.

Taehyung frowned faking a hurt look "this movie is gold and stop judging me"

"I'm not" jungkook defended himself.

"Your eyes speak" Taehyung said giving him a look.

"Oh really?" Jungkook asked raising his eyebrows.

Taehyung shushed him asking him to keep quiet because apparently that scene of the movie deserves of the attention.

Jungkook snorted, whats so good about the monkey lifting up the lion cub, he thought as he lifted Taehyung's legs and seated himself comfortably before placing taehyung legs on his lap.

Taehyung was so engrossed in the movie he neither commented nor reacted.

Jungkook frowned, was the stupid movie more interesting that him,he wondered.

He smirked.

He placed his hand on taehyung knee gently making patterns with his thumb on the smooth skin.

Taehyung look a deep breath but he didn't reach like Jungkook expected him too.

Jungkook's hand shifted higher to Taehyung's mid thigh now gently squeezing while his eyes were trained on the movie.

Taehyung's legs twitched slightly and Jungkook smirked waiting for taehyung make pass a comment but alas, nothing.

Taehyung did notice and feel everything, he felt the sudden warmness spread through his body through the source of his thigh on which Jungkook's hand laid.  He was suddenly feeling too hot, but he didn't want to complain if Jungkook thought he was being normal.

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