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Jungkook stood there, motionless, as he stared at Taehyung's back as he walked away. He clutched his hundred dollar bill tightly, Why was taehyung acting like this, he thought. So taehyung can let his some Hyung buy him expensive clothes but he can't accept Jungkook's 100$ tip. Jungkook never pitied him not once.

He watched taehyung, downing one, two, three, four shots before grinning drunkenly at the man beside him who's telling him to stop.

Jungkook frowns and turns his head to see jimin and Yoongi entering, together.

"Hey Jung-"

"I think I'm gay" Jungkook interrupted Jimin. Jimin's mouth fell open as he gaped at him.

"Why do I feel this is something related to taehyung looking like a snack over there" Yoongi said glancing behind Jungkook at a distance.

Jimin turned his head to look at taehyung, who was now talking to a guy who looked a little older than him. Then to he turned back at Jungkook "why do you say that"

"I got a boner a while age. Because of taehyung" jimin's eyes automatically wondered down before Jungkook snapped his hands in front of his face.

"I said a while ago, stop staring at my crotch"

Yoongi chuckled.

"So what should I do" Jungkook wondered out loud.

"You couldn't thought of this before you rejected him" jimin pans crossing his arms against his chest.

"You rejected him" Yoongi asked looking between Jungkook and jimin.

Jungkook frowned " so he told you"

"We are besties obviously he will tell me"

"Give him some space, you can watch over him tonight, I swear if anything happens to him I'll cut you" Yoongi threatened before dragging jimin away.

Jungkook scowled. He didn't want to be a watchman, he wanted to enjoy.

He looked over at taehyung was who was now dragging the boy to the dance floor, his hands curled around the boy's waist, he stopped reaching the dance floor. Taehyung wrapped both his arms around the boy's neck and pulled him close, the boy's boy's arms around Taehyung's waist, faces so close, body grinding onto the other.

Jungkook's eye twitched. Did taehyung really even like him.

He continued staring.

The boy's flipped taehyung so now his back was against the boy's body,hands on Taehyung's waist.

Jungkook took a deep breath. Calm yourself, he thought.

The boy buried his head in Taehyung's neck breathing his in.

Jungkook's face hardened. He was about to walk over to them when Taehyung's eyes met his. Taehyung held Jungkook's gaze challenging him. Jungkook stared back.

Taehyung's lips parted as he let out a sound which Jungkook was unable to hear because of the loud music.

The boy whispered something in Taehyung's ear before dragging Bol somewhere with him.

Jungkook frowned glued at the spot contemplating whether he should go after them or no.

It's Taehyung's life, if he wants to have fun he can.

Jungkook closed his eyes taking a deep breathe. He imagined the way Taehyung would kiss the guy with those pretty lips, or the way the boy would strip taehyung out of those sexy leather pants wanting to see those endless legs, he imagined how they would fuck. 

Jungkook snapped. No he did not want taehyung to do all this with someone who's wasn't Jungkook. He willed himself to go in the direction where they headed.

Jesus ducking Christ, there are so many bedrooms here, which one will tae be in, Jungkook thought.

It took him after 15 minutes of randomly walking opening doors to people having nasty sex.

Then he opened the last door in the corridor.

His eyes met Taehyung's red puffy eyes, he looked down to see his Tshirt half way torn and his pants halfway down his legs.

It didn't take him a second to realise he was being forced.

Suddenly all Jungkook could see was red. He grabbed the guy from his collar and pulled him off taehyung, he slammed his against the wall and pinched him, in his face, stomach everywhere. The guy was probably too drunk to retaliate. Jungkook pushed him on the floor, kicking him in the stomach repeatedly. It was like he couldn't stop, couldn't think straight.

He punched him, again and again and again until there was a slight tug on his sleeve.

He looked at taehyung staring up at him with a scared expression "he will die Jungkook" he whispered.

Jungkook who seemed to lose all conscience finally snapped back to reality. He cupped Taehyung's face.

"Baby are you alright?" He asked looking all over his face. He was too worried, to realise when he had just called taehyung.

Taehyung nodded meekly, if he wasn't close enough he would've missed it.

Jungkook zipped Taehyung's jacket, and carried him outside despite of taehyung whining that he could walk fine.

People stopped at stared. Yoongi nudged jimin whos mouth fell open again, Jungkook's eyes met him and he gave a slight shake of head telling him to not come over, that he could handle this. Jimin nodded.

He carried taehyung to his car and opened the door before putting taehyung inside ignoring his "I'm not a baby"

Taehyung was getting scared now, Jungkook just sat in the car, he didn't move, he didn't drive he didn't talk. They had been like this for 10 mins.


"What If I didn't come in time?" Jungkook asked furiously his eyes snapping to Taehyung's.

"Do you fucking understand what could've happened if I didn't come. You could be raped taehyung, raped. Just imagining his filthy hands on you is making my blood boil" Jungkook said clenching  the steering wheel even tighter till his knuckles turned white.

Taehyung slumped.

"Taehyung oh god"

Taehyung turned his body so now he was facing Jungkook, he took Jungkook's hands in his and looked in his eyes "b-but you did, that's all that matters"

Jungkook sighed. Taehyung was right. Jungkook caressed taehyung face gently, before retracting his hand snapping out of the moment.

" I'll take you home" Jungkook said.

He looked at taehyung who didn't answer.


"I-i don't want to alone right now, Jungkook I feel dirty"

Taehyung did not say anything future but Jungkook understood.

"Okay" Jungkook said before he started driving.

" where are we going" taehyung asked looked over at Jungkook.

"You're staying with me for today" Jungkook said before smiling slightly when taehyung did not argue.

Little did he know, taehyung was too busy blushing his wits out.

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