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Jungkook's house was a little far, and the car ride was seemingly getting uncomfortable with Jungkook's eyes trained on the road and taehyung being erriely quiet. Jungkook was thankful that taehyung didn't oppose his invitation.

He gave taehyung a side glance, and that's when he noticed that taehyung had fell asleep, his head resting on the seat, breathing softly his chest going up and down.

He was so beautiful, that type of beauty which you couldn't look away from, his straight prefect nose, his long eyelashes gently falling over his cheekbones. He felt like Edward Cullen, the fact that not being a vampire doesn't make it any less creepy. He averted his gaze looking back on the road.

He turned off the ignition when they reached and gently poked taehyung's shoulder.

Taehyung grunted cutesy and jungkook chuckled.

He poked him again and again until taehyung's eyes finally fluttered open.

"We're home" jungkook said softy. He swore he didn't mean to say it but taehyung didn't give any reaction he even he wouldn't.

Jungkook opened the car door for him as he got out. When did I become a gentle man, jungkook thought before shaking his head.

That's right when taehyung came into my life.

"Wo ah, that's your house? It looks like a castle, b-but the modern type you know" taehyung commented looking around as they walked in.

"Perks of having rich parents jungkook was with a snort before grabbing taehyung's arm and leading him towards his room.

Jungkook didn't know why he got shy when taehyung entered his room, he didn't know why he wanted taehyung to say something, something good perhaps.

"Jungkookie, is that you ?" Taehyung asked eyes a frame of his baby picture.

"Yeah" jungkook said shyly playing with the hem of his tshirt pulling imaginary strings.

Taehyung noticed jungkook's tips of ear go red and decided to tease him some more "you still have those bunny teeth ah"

Jungkook's eyes widened as he glared at taehyung playfully earning a giggle from the boy. Obviously jungkook couldn't not react to it so his lips tugged up forming a small gently smile.

He always got soft when it comes to taehyung.

Taehyung continued looking at various frames sometimes laughing sometimes looking at it fondly.

Jungkook got bored and impatient.

He grabbed taehyung's shoulder and made him sit on his bed.

Taehyung looked at him bewildered.

"remove your jacket" jungkook asked.

Taehyung gaped at him.

"I-i mean I want to Vegas go there are any brusis" he said reaching out for the zip of taehyung's jacket. Taehyung flicked slightly and backed away,

"taehyung you don't need to be scared of me,I will not touch you unless you are comfortable" jungkook said gently.

"I don't have any brusis" taehyung said non chant averting his gaze.

Jungkook sighed " okay we have all night" he said before crossing his arm over his chest.

Taehyung gave him the puppy dog eyes.

Jungkook faltered a bit, but this is for taehyung and he would not back down.

Taehyung sighed before removing his jacket completely forgetting about his brusis his stepfather and his bullys had given him until jungkook gasped.

He looked down at his chest mow noticing the faint purple marks that were healing but not completely unnoticeable.

"What the fuck is this taehyung,you said he didn't hurt you, I swear I will go kill him with my bare hands" jungkook raged before walking towards the door to beat the shit out of the boy but stopped when he heard taehyung barely faint voice saying " it's not from him"

Jungkook turned around slowly, taehyung would've laughed at how dramatic he was but he couldn't even Crack a smile, hell he couldn't even move.

"What did you say?" Jungkook said slowly but firmly.

Taehyung paused for a moment "I said it not from him"

Any doubt of jungkook having heard taehyung wrong were out of the window.

"Who was it taehyung?" Jungkook whispered.

Taehyung didn't say anything, his eyes trained on the floor.

Jungkook gritted his teeth trying to calm himself. He grabbed taehyung's chin lifting his face up so he could meet his eyes that were now glistening in tears. He saw the way taehyung's bottom lip quivered and jungkook didn't think once before gently pressing his thumb of his bottom lip.

"Who was it" jungkook asked again.

"It was my step father and some bullied from the previous school, I'm a runaway" taehyung said finally now tears streaming his cheeks.

Taehyung had various scenarios in his mind, of jungkook looking at him disgusted, of jungkook laughing, of jungkook kicking him out but he didn't expect jungkook to look at him softly asking "are there more"

Taehyung didn't answer, jungkook hands brushed the hem of taehyung tshirt and lingering there giving taehyung a cancelation to stop him if he'd like but taehyung didn't, so jungkook gently lifted the shirt above taehyung's head before throwing it on the floor.

Taehyung felt naked, not from outside, he felt naked from inside. Peoples body do get naked several times with several people, but their souls do once, with the person they trust with all in them, and taehyung did trust jungkook somehow, with all that is in him.

Jungkook hands brushed over taehyung's bruised back, and taehyung shivered.

In any other day, jungkook would admire how soft taehyung's skin was or how good it felt under his fingers, but right now he felt anger, sadness and most importantly he felt helpless.

Taehyung stood there, eyes closed for he didn't know how long until he heard sniffing, he turned around looking at jungkook, eyes full of hurt and tears streaming down his cheeks.

Jungkook was crying, crying for him.

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