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Jimin didn't believe taehyung could do something like that, jimin knew how Taehyung was crying under that tree that day, about how he told Jungkook that he liked him and how Jungkook said they were better as friends.

But Jimin couldn't tell Jungkook that, because he had no proof, he couldn't give Jungkook false hope based on his own beliefs.

So when Jungkook suggested that he'd go home jimin didn't argue, sure jimin offered to come with him but jungkook had denied, still wiping tears from his tears and walking towards his car as fast as he could.

Deep down, he knew Jungkook could feel what he was feeling.

Days quickly passes like this, taehyung would often get beat up by his father and he would come to school looking exhausted, he would wear hoodie's half of his face covered by his hair so no one would be able to see his marks.

Jimin tried to approach him many times, but taehyung just ignored him as if he didn't exist.

Yoongi grabbed his arm once, and taehyung flinched so badly Yoongi thought that he hurt him, or maybe it wasn't him.

"Please" taehyung had said without turning to look at him, his voice sounded so broken, so wounded Yoongi had to let go.

Jungkook skipped school for almost a week, before he came back, he looked like a wounded puppy, he tried to catch taehyung's eyes many times but to no avail.

"What do you think happened to taehyung?" Jin asked whispering to namjoon who was staring at the table, to see taehyung eating alone, wearing his signature black hoodie he hasn't stopped wearing since days.

Namjoon frowned "he did a major 360?  Something is definitely up, but we won't know if he doesn't tell us"

Jin modded understandingly. Taehyung looked over to their table, catching both Jin's and namjoon's eyes,  before snapping his attention back on the food. He quickly got up, threw the remaining in the dustbin and walked away.

"Is it only me or someone noticed the red scar at the side of his face" hoseok said turning to look at the others on the table.

Jungkook stiffened.

"Oh fuck, why didn't I piece it out before" Jungkook said running his fingers through his hair.

"What do you mean?" Yoongi said removing his earplugs, this seemed to capture everyone's attention at the table.

Jungkook hesitated.

"Jungkook, fucking tell us" jimin said losing his patience.

"T-taehyung is a runaway, h-he has a abusive father whom he ran away from"

Yoongi slammed his hand on the table furiously " and you think about it now, what is wrong with you?" He shouted. "That's it, that's the reason, his father must've blackmailed him or something"

Jungkook frowned. Taehyung had promised Jungkook to tell him everything and Jungkook had promised to protect him, and he definitely meant it even if taehyung didn't mean his side.

"I'll look into it, you guys don't need to get involved" Jungkook said.

"What? Obv-"jimin stared arguing but Jungkook cut him off "I said no, jimin" Jungkook said, glaring at jimin.

Yoongi touched jimin's shoulder lightly and shook his head. Jimin grumbled but didn't say anything further.

Jungkook got up "I have to go" he said before leaving the cafeteria.

He stormed towards his car, did taehyung not think I'm worth to share his pain, did he really have to come up with that lie, Jungkook felt like he was literally dying, so much pain was for nothing. It actually made Jungkook a little lighter knowing that taehyung didn't cheat on him, but felt heavy imagining taehyung being in pain again.

He had his doubts even though, just yesterday he looked so happy, and ten suddenly this, he must've actually figured it out already.

Taehyung felt like he was living in hell, he was so reluctant to leave his ice-cream parlour and so reluctant to tell Bogum what happened.

Bogum And Minjae we're both worried for him, but they couldn't be anything about it.

It was 8pm when Minjae said "taehyung, you need to go home, I need to lock up" taehyung sighed slightly nodding his head.

Minjae touched his shoulder lightly "I won't know if you don't tell me anything. I want to help you"

Taehyung looked up at him, Minjae could see some faint marks, eyes brimming with tears, so vulnerable, Minjae was taken aback "taehyung" he whispered.

"You can't."

"You can't help me." Taehyung croaked before running out of the parlour.

No one can help him, no one.

taehyung reached  his house, if you could call it his house, more like a jail where he was tortured for no reason, he thought bitterly.

He shakily opened the door and stepped in, dropping his bag on the floor.

"I told you to be home by 6 didn't I? His fathers voice boomed in the house and taehyung winced.

"W-work took long" taehyung said stuttering cowering in fear as his father stepped closer.

The he slapped taehyung "don't lie to me"

"I-I'm not lying-"

"Don't talk back" he said snapping taehyung again, before pushing him on the floor and removing his belt to whip him.

"P-please don't" taehyung cried as his father smiled mercilessly.

" you will die regretting that you were ever born"

His father raised his hand but the sudden sound of the door slamming open startled him.

Taehyung looked through his blurred vision to see Jungkook standing on the door.

"Sorry, I'm late baby" Jungkook said looking at taehyung eyes full of love before he looked at Taehyung's step-father.

"And you will regret ever touching him with your filthy hands."

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