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Taehyung was bored now, he couldn't figure out why Jackson suddenly looked like he has fought a war, maybe Karma really is a bitch, he thought.

"Hey, taehyung!" A voice called from far, he looked over to spot a guy obnoxiously waving both his hands.

At this time everybody was look at the boy, wondering who he was since taehyung is new and nobody knows him or actually are friends with him besides the people sitting on the table.

The boy came closer and immediately recognised zed minjae from the ice cream parlour he gotten a job from.

Taehyung panicked, quickly getting up and making his way over to minjae who was still smiling. He didn't want his friends to know about his work.

"What're you doing here" taehyung asked averting minjae's attention from the guys before he would say something.

Minjae raised his hand to smack him lightly on the head "what do you mean by that? I go to school here!"

Jungkook noticed him slightly flinch, it was almost unnoticeable but he saw it.

"Oh" taehyung said his mouth forming in an 'O'.

Minjae chuckled.

"How do you know him" Yoongi said eyeing minjae for the nth time now.

"He-" minjae started

"W-we met on road the other day and started talking" taehyung said quickly cutting minjae off.

Minjae raised his eyebrows at taehyung looking at him pointedly. Taehyung turned his back in his friends and pleaded with his face to go along with him, minjae seemed to understand.

"Uhh, Yeah" he said scratching his back.

"I'll go now tae, see you soon" he said before waving at him

Taehyung quickly covered up "y-yeah hope to crash into you on road again" he said with a nervous laugh as he called out on minjae who was already out of the sight.

As if on the cue, the bell rang, taehyung was quick to grab his bag and darting out of the scene with a quick 'bye'

" I call bullshit" Jungkook said out loud slamming his fist on the table.

Hoseok nearly jumped before nodding, followed by other members.

"Yeah, I mean it was quite obvious he was lying, he sucks at lying someone should tell him before he tries again" jimin says resting his elbow on the table, totally chilled out and forgetting that he should get to his next class.

"Yes, but there must be a reason he doesn't want us to know, let's not pry into his personal life and make him comfortable" Jin said wisely and namjoon nodded.

"But hyungggg" jimin dragged "I am curious is all"

"Curiously killed the cat" namjoon states.

"I'm not a cat though" jimin defended, namjoon rolled his eyes chuckling at his stupid comeback.

"Well who's in?" Yoongi said leaning back against his chair.

"You're not goi-"

"Count me in"

"Meto obviously"

"Aye, reading for the mission" hoseok fist pumps in the air.

Jin shakes his head looking at namjoon, he hoped namjoon was still the sensible one left.

"Well what he won't know won't hurt, is all I'm saying" namjoon says smirking,

"But I'm not going on a spying mission with you stupid kids, just tell all about it later" he continues.

Yoongi grunted "Yeah ofcourse, just after you called us stupid kids, isn't it stupid of you to ask us that"

"Yah! I didn't mean it you know" namjoon defended.

Yoongi flipped him off.

"Why are you all doing this" Eunwon said suddenly.

"Woah she's still here"


"Jimin stop whining I forgot" Jungkook said sighing

"Woah, you forgot? That she's sitting on your lap?" Jimin asked in bewilderment.

"Cut it off"

"Stop pretending I'm not here, you guys" Eunwon screeched, for the third time, Jungkook guessed after he winced.

"Well I'm going to class" Yoongi said standing up.

"Meet up at 3, near school gates, try not to be spotted by taetae" jimin said getting up too.

Jungkook scoffed at the nickname.

Everybody left one by one leaving Jungkook with Eunwon.

Jungkook raised his eyebrows at her "what are you waiting for, we will be late get up"

"Baby, we got some alone time-"

Jungkook hastily got up throwing Eunwon to the ground almost before walking around.

Eunwon screeched from behind " Jungkook"

4 times, Jungkook counted before scratching his ear, not once looking back.

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