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As jungkook hugged taehyung close as he thought about what he would do with the man's body.

He weighed his options. He couldn't go to the police and tell them it was self-defence because it would involve a lot of questioning and he didn't think taehyung was comfortable with them.

He could just leave the body here, but it would start stinking and people would soon figure it out, it would be more bad.

Third option, was he could bury the body somewhere, as it is no one knew this man, so no one would care if he was gone, definitely not taehyung.

Taehyung pulled back, " He's dead" he said looking the body.

Jungkook nodded, running his hands up and down taehyung's arms.

Taehyung looked at him again, eyes full of tears "J-jungkook I-I didn't cheat on you, h-he blackmailed me and he would kill you"

Jungkook's eyes softened, he cupped taehyung's face " I know you didn't, and baby he was just bluffing you, he didn't have any men, hell he didn't even have any money"

Taehyungs mouth formed in an O before his head dropped " I'm so stupid jungkookie"

"Hey you're not" jungkook said instantly, taehyung's wasn't stupid, innocent? Yes but never stupid.

"Taehyung I need to dispose him."

Taehyung stared at him before nodding his shakily "I'll help you"


"I said I'll help you jungkook, please let me" taehyung said cutting jungkook off.

Jungkook knee that look, he knew he couldn't argue with taehyung anymore.

"Okay, I need a cloth and I need a big bag." Jungkook said.

Taehyung sprang up from where he was sitting. Jungkook saw him shuffling frantically before taehyung pulled out a big bag.

He turned around showing the bag to Jungkook, jungkook nodded approvingly.

He chucked at rug and jungkook and pulled a small bucket he surprisingly had and filled it with water.

Jungkook handed taehyung his phone "I need you to call Yoongi Hyung, and ask him to meet us at the ground behind the cemetery, and tell him the reason"

Taehyunh hesitated.

"Trust me he won't judge you taehyung" jungkook said assuring taehyung.

Taehyung nodded before pressing call and jungkook started cleaning the blood that was all over the floor, his hands turning red now.

Yoongi picked up after a few rings.

"Jungkook" he said.

"I-it's me Hyung"

"Taehyung? What's wrong why is jungkook's phone with you?"

"I need help Hyung"

"Oh, about what?"

Taehyung looked at jungkook who just nodded his head slightly.

"I need your help in burying a body" taehyung said hesitantly.

The other line was quiet for a moment.

Taehyung almost panicked before he heard yoongi's voice.


"T-the ground behind the cemetery" taehyung replied.

"I'll be there in half an hour" Yoongi said.

"Thank you Hyung, thank you so much for not judging me"

"We fight our own battles, and sometimes we gotta do things for our survival, who am I to judge you for surviving" Yoongi said and taehyung could picture him giving a wise smile.

Taehyung looked up Yoongi, he was the wisest of them all.


Taehyung and jungkook dragged the sack together, it was almost 11 now, and there weren't many people
in that area, it was eerily silent.

As they reached the ground, taehyung spotted Yoongi standing near the tree, but he wasn't alone, he was with Jimin, hoseok, namjoon, seokjin.

As they reached closer he eyed Yoongi, Yoongi shrugged " you were mistaken, I wouldn't be the only   one dirtying my hands"

Jimin instantly engulfed taehyung in a hug " are you alright?" He whispered.

Taehyung nodded " yes, if jungkook wouldn't be there-"

"Hey hey, it's okay now shush, I did what I had to do" jungkook interrupted them.

Hoseok and the others followed in hugging taehyung and jungkook snorted "I'm amazed how none of you is concerned how I am"

Taehyung started laughing, all wide and happy and jungkook smiled, he achieved what he wanted and the others followed.

Yoongi clapped his hands " come on, we've got a body to bury"

The mood dimmed again as everything started digging a hole except taehyung and jimin. Because they didn't allow them to even if they insisted reasoning they ever the softest of them all.

After about half an hour of digging, with dirty clothes and too much of sweat they were done.

"Namjoon you bought what I asked for?" Yoongi said looking at namjoon whole wiping his forehead, before he could actually, rushed to him wiping it with his handkerchief and if they all seemed to notice this no one said anything.

Yoongi is scary come on. Look at they way he digs a grave, no one wanted to him to dig their own.

Namjoon hands Yoongi a bag full of crystal salt and hoseok raises his eyebrows "have you down this before Yoongi?"

Yoongi smirks but doesn't say anything.

He puts crystal salt all over the body and then they start covering it with mud " there will be nothing left in two days" Yoongi says.

"Wait" jungkook said before he pulls out the gun from his jacket and puts it on the body.

"Where did you get a gun from?" Jimin asks.

"Man that gun is damn fucking expensive" Yoongi says eyeing the gun.

Jungkook smiles gently "anything for taehyung"

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