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They say you know when you find your other half because you quite literally feel what the other is feeling, all of your feelings get intensified when you're with them. When a knife or a gun doesn't kill you enough but their silence does. They say you will know they're your soulmate as soon as your eyes meet theirs, no fireworks or electric current at your expanse, just the familiar ness of being home.

Jungkook felt as Taehyung's eyes met his, Jungkook felt the pain. He could see the Taehyung's pretty angelic face getting bruised, he could see Taehyung's body curling in a ball because it hurt too much to move, Jungkook could see Taehyung's begging them to stop, Jungkook could see Taehyung's body lying on the floor cold, no one to give him warmth or love him. Suddenly he was wishing if he could've met taehyung earlier.

Jungkook's eyes burned in tears as he looked at taehyung now, the boy looks so soft can't harm a fly yet his body is filled with what looks like battle wounds.

So Jungkook cried, he cried for taehyung, he felt his chest burning and his heart constructing. It was funny he thought, funny how he was feeling all this, funny how it is getting difficult to breathe as he continues thinking about taehyung. Jungkook cried and cried till he felt Taehyung's  thin arms wrap around his waist pulling Jungkook closer. Jungkook nuzzled his head in the crook of Taehyung's neck and took a deep breathe filling himself with Taehyung's sweet smell.

"I'm sorry" Jungkook said shakily sniffly slightly "I'm such a mess when I should be the one comforting you" he said pulling back slightly looking into Taehyung's eyes.

Taehyung smiled gently, eyes shining with tears, with happiness " you cried for me" he stated like he wasn't bothered with Jungkook being a crying mess, like Jungkook crying for him was the most relevant thing in the world.

"Nobody has ever did that for me" taehyung said with such grateful ness that Jungkook was taken aback for a moment.

"Nobody has ever cared this much" taehyung smiled sadly reaching out to take Jungkook's hand in his " thank you"

Jungkook didn't know what to say, he couldn't say anything so he just stared giving Taehyung's hand a little squeeze, a squeeze of promise that he's there, he's here and he will always be.

Taehyung didn't know how long he stared into Jungkook's eyes, getting lost in them until Jungkook averted his gaze "you should take a shower" he suggested slowly, they both had completely forgotten that taehyung as half naked until Jungkook's eyes kept travelling down from Taehyung's face no matter how hard he tried. If taehyung noticed this, he didn't point it out and Jungkook was grateful for that.

"It's down the corridor on the left" Jungkook said and taehyung nodded making his way out of the room, Jungkook couldn't help but stare at Taehyung's back, apart from the bruises which Jungkook didn't find ugly or disgusting per se, taehyung was beautiful, braid shoulder blades, smooth silky skin. Jungkook was hard and rough whereas taehyung was smooth and soft.

Everything about taehyung screamed softness.

Jungkook didn't know how long he sat there lost in Taehyung's thoughts until Taehyung's phone beeped.

GOD a flip flop phone?jungkook thought, he'd buy taehyung a new phone later.

BogumieHyung : Taetae? Are you enjoying the party? Any girls or guys I need to scare away?

Jungkook furrowed his eyebrows, he knew taehyung didn't have any family here since he was a runaway but who's this guy, he wondered.

Me : who's this?

BogumieHyung : WHO'S THIS ? Where is taetae?

Me : Jungkook.

BogumieHyung : oh,

BogumieHyung : take care of my taetae!

Me : he's not yours.

Jungkook typed before throwing the phone back on the bed, he will ask taehyung about this later, he though.

"Jungkook!" Taehyung called from the washroom, Jungkook quickly walked over to see what taehyung needed. He leaned against the doorframe " what do you want tae?" Jungkook asked.

"D-do you have some spare clothes?" Taehyung asked nervously from inside.

Jungkook smirked, "no I don't just come out like that" he teased.

"W-what" taehyung asked. Jungkook could imagine Taehyung's cheeks turning into tomato red, eyes widening slightly making him look like a puppy.

Jungkook laughed "I'm kidding tae, obviously I have spare, Wait a minute"

Jungkook walked to his wardrobe pulling out a plain white tshirt and some shorts, which were extremely short because Jungkook was thirsty for Taehyung's legs, but he'd never admit it to him.

Taehyung waited patiently, there was a soft knock on the door " open up I have clothes" Jungkook said from outside.

Taehyung opened the door slightly and jutted his hand out. He heard Jungkook chuckling before he felt the soft fabric of the clothes in his hand.

He put on the tshirt before wearing the shorts, except were they actually shorts. This shit is so small, taehyung thought as he tried pulling it down but no avail.

He was embarrassed to get out now.

"Come on, come out, I want to see if they fit" Jungkook said impatiently from outside.

Taehyung took a deep breathe, Jungkook is straight he thought before pushing the door open and headed out.

As soon as Jungkook spotted taehyung he straightened up, eyes raking over Taehyung's body making him more self conscious if that was possible. Taehyung expected Jungkook to say " yeah it fits" or "cool" but he did not expect Jungkook's eyes darkening a little as he says "damn,those legs look endless"

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