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Jungkook was confused, but beyond confused he was angry, so angry, why was taehyung acting like he didn't just confess to him, and clinging to jimin like a koala. They were even holding hands dammit.

School was thankfully over and Jungkook didn't have to see taehyung or jimin again.

His phone pinged.

Hoseok : there's a partyyy!

Jimin : I'm in

Yoongi : kid, no one said you were invited

Jimin : -.-

Hoseok : it's at my friends place, he's like loaded, so it's grand, it's open.

Jin : are you sure it's a school night.

Namjoon : shut up daddy, I'm in

Jimin : isn't he mommy?

Yoongi : it's daddy for him 😂

Hoseok : ....

Jimin : .....

Hoseok : STOB it.

Jimin : I'll get tae too, I'm sure he can't say no to me. 😊

Jungkook : do you have his number?

Jimin : Yes, but I can't add him here cuz he doesn't have a smart phone.

Jungkook : oh

Hoseok : so everyone is in?

Jimin : hell yeah!

Yoongi : yo

Jin : fine I'll come, I have to take care of you'll

Hoseok : mommy

Namjoon : daddy

Jungkook : *dies while choking*

Namjoon : atleast I'm getting some

Jungkook : I'll get too, let me arrive to the party!

Taehyung wasn't the type of the person who goes to parties, Jungkook thought.

Jimin : ;)

Jungkook didn't want to admit it, but he was only going because taehyung would be there too, Jungkook can't be blamed to be excited to see taehyung drunk, jimin thought.

Jimin called taehyung quickly to ask him about the party.

"Hey Tae"

"Hey jiminie, whats up?"

"There's this party-"

"N-no please I'm not the party type, I'm the buzzkill type" taehyung whined.

"I don't know about anything tae, you're coming that's all"

Taehyung was quite for awhile, maybe he would try it out, jimin was there with him so it wouldn't be so bad.

"Okay I'll go"

"Yayyy, I'll pick you up"

Taehyung panicked "No, uhm it's okay, just give me the address I'll be there"

Jimin hesitated "are you sure, it'll be no big deal and-"

"I'm fine jiminie I'll come I'm not a kid" taehyung cut him off reassuring his that it's okay, because the last thing he wants is to jimin know where he lives.

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