Bonus #2

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"Tae, hurry up, we will be late!" Jimin called, shoving some chips in his bag.

"Can you wait one sec, I'm getting Tannie ready!" Taehyung called back to the very impatient Jimin.

"I'm excited I can't wait, we will meet him after whole two years!" Jimin whined huffing. Taehyung let out a loud snort "You're excited? Think about me."

"I'm excited to see pappa too" Yeontan said in his small voice.

Taehyung smiled while Jimin ruffled Yeontan's hair "Uncle is excited too" Yeontan gave a wide smile before saying "mommy won't stop talking about how excited he is to see pappa yesterday"

Taehyung's cheeks flushed "I did not, and when will you stop calling me mommy!?"

"I won't, pappa said to call you mommy, so I'll call you mommy." Yeontan said innocently and Jimin laughed.

"Are you ready yet mommy?" Jimin teased.

"He's your mommy too?" Yeontan said looking a Jimin. Taehyung laughed shaking his head "no baby, uncle is just teasing me."

Yeontan crosses his arms over his chest standing in front of Taehyung "don't tease mommy, I'll fight you" he said making weird gestures with his hand.

Jimin's heart almost bursted because of Tannie's cuteness, he lifted Yeontan with one hand, carrying him " ok geez don't kill me, let's go"

Jimin's phone buzzed on the table and Taehyung picked it up, he raised his eyebrows "don't tell me this water drop emoji and heart is Yoongi hyung, oh my god why did I see this" taehyung said chucking the phone To Jimin who flushed slightly before poking his tongue out "well, it's better than a bunny and a cookie emoji"

Taehyung scoffed before opening the door for Jimin and Yeontan. "Yeah hyung, we are on the way, you've reached ? Already? Actually we have just left the house, haha hyung you won't kill me? You love me too much" Jimin spoke on the phone while Taehyung made gagging noises.

Jimin slapped the back of his head "shut up, I will have to see you and Jungkook sucking each other's faces when we reach, I'll be the one making these noises then"

Taehyung realised it quickly before saying "Jiminie, you know I love you right"

Jimin rolled his eyes "Yeah Ofcourse you do"

The ride to the airport was little over a while, Yeontan was a fan of the music Yoongi produced, he always asked about Yoongi's music. And Yoongi, well he hated kids, with all in him but Yeontan was a exception. You want to see Yoongi all smiles and rainbow and soft mush on the floor, you have two options, Yeontan and Jimin.

"Tannie we've reached" Taehyung said opening the door for Yeontan to come out.

They reached the seating area, Yeontan holding both Jimin's and Taehyung's finger with his small hands, but as soon as he saw Yoongi he ran towards him jumping in his arms as Yoongi scooped him up carrying him.

"Cue soft yoonki mush" Hoseok muttered which earned him a stink eye from Yoongi, before he went back to discussing music with Yeontan.

Taehyung smiled at the sight greeting Hoseok, Namjoon and Seokjin before he checked the time. There was still half an hour left.

Can time get any slower, Taehyung thought sighing.

"My friend told me I can't have two parents who are both males" Yeontan said as they all sat on the table.

"No, your friend doesn't know anything, Ofcourse you can" Namjoon said looking at the kid sitting in Yoongi's lap.

Hoseok and Seokjin nodded.

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