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The last bell rang signalling the end of the class.

Jungkook's phone pinged.

Jimin : guys the bell rang

Hoseok : Yeah I have ears you know!

Jimin : oops sorry I forgot!

Hoseok : -.-

Jungkook : stop acting like a child jimin.

Jimin: says the one who's younger to me

Jungkook : age is just a number.

Yoongi : stfu guys, I'm outside and taehyung is walking with minjae!

Jungkook : that bastard

Jimin : ???

Hoseok : ooh I smell something

Jimin : jealousy?

Hoseok : yeahhh ;)

Yoongi : if you don't get your asses here I'll abort mission, then you fuckers will die of curiosity !!_|_

Jin : kids.

Namjoon : DONT tell anything to jin now!

Yoongi : we're not even telling you!

Namjoon : it's bad to hold grudges!

Yoongi : _|_

Jungkook : coming hang on

Jungkook quickly texted before pocketing his phone and dashing out of the classroom, he walked towards the gate quickly to see jimin, hoseok and Yoongi peeking over at something.

"Hey guy-"

"Shush" jimin elbowed him telling him to keep quiet.

Jungkook looked over jimin's shoulder to see taehyung and minjae walking towards a car, assuming minjae's car

"Maybe they're having an affair" hoseok said which earned him a harsh slap on the head from Jungkook and a kick on his shin from jimin and a cold glare from Yoongi.

Hoseok raised his eyebrows "protective much, hmm I wonder which one of ya'll will get him"

Yoongi glared at him again. Jimin whispered " don't test it Hyung, he looks like he could skin you alive"

"Brat I can hear you" Yoongi said.


Jungkook was still focused on minjae who now has his arm draped on Taehyung's shoulder.

Aren't they walking too close to each other..

On the other hand,

Taehyung stared amazed "woah that's your car?" He asked minjae who looked like a proud father eyeing his car.

"Yeah this baby is mine" he said draping his arm over Taehyung's shoulder. Taehyung was still dazed by the amazing car to notice this.

"W-wait but if you're rich why do you work in an ice cream shop?" Taehyung asked shyly fearing that its personal and minjae would feel uncomfortable.

"Oh because I like to work, and I would like something small,  I sure do have this car but it's my dad's money not mine, I want my own, so as a start line I'm working there" he explained.

Taehyung look up at him in admiration.

Minjae glanced at him " stop looking at me like that" he said chuckling.

"Like what" taehyung asked innocently.

"Like I'm a god or something"

Taehyung blushed, embarrassed.

Far from him hoseok awed "look at him blush, he's turning red, I can see it from here"

Jimin grumbled but agreed.

Yoongi sighed "you're right, I just think they're going on a date or something, let's just go home we have nothing to worry about, plus minjae looks harmless"

Hoseok and jimin nodded agreeing, while Jungkook thought that his worries totally differed from them.

"Jungkook? You coming?" Jimin said glancing back.

Jungkook nodded. They all parted their ways going over to their respective vehicles for transport.

Co-incidentally Jungkook's car with a little further down minjae, he looked at them as minjae opened the door for taehyung, taehyung shyly thanked him before slipping in the car, minjae followed.

Jungkook was in a dilemma( A/N: whoops tittle mention) about what to do before he quickly made up his mind based on his inner voice telling him that he has nothing better to do anyways.

He follows the car.

Dilemma | taekook ✔️Where stories live. Discover now