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Finally the bell rang signalling for the lunch break. Unfortunately or fortunately, Eunwon was in the same class as jungkook and had apologised for her behaviour and said that she will apologise to taehyung too.

Jungkook forgave her, ofcourse. Hand in hand they made their way to the lunch table where his friends sat. Eunwon excitedly greeted everyone to which they not too excitedly greeted back. They had made it clear that they did not like her when they first started dating but Jungkook did not listen well because she will hot and she blew well.

Jungkook went over and sat on his designated seat, Eunwon stood there for a second before following him and sitting on lap.

Jungkook oofed unconsciously to which namjoon snickered. Eunwon glared at namjoon before whining "babe I'm not even fat"

Jungkook rolled his eyes "there's literally so much space when do you have to sit on my lap, I can't even eat properly" he complained.

Eunwon rolled his eyes "but baby it feels good-"

Hoseok and jimin burst out laughing at that.

"-I meant sitting on your lap, it's comfy" she finished. Jungkook huffed but did not push her off.

Taehyung finally arrived. He eyed Jungkook and Eunwon frowning only a little, not understanding why she had to sit in his lap when there was so much space.

He looked over at jimin who was squished from both the side no space for him to sit beside him.

"Jiminieee, I was suppose to sit beside you" taehyung pouted, jimin laughed because he thought he looked cute and grinned guilty before promising him he will save some space next time.

Taehyung nodded before making his way to sit next to Yoongi, ofcourse, his night in shining armour.

Taehyung sat down his thighs pressing against Yoongi and his arms brushing against his, Jungkook thought it was way too close for anyone's liking.

Yoongi did not mind though he was busy on his phone trying out some beats. Taehyung peeped fascinated by how it worked, Yoongi saw him peeping so he shifted his phone to have a better look.

Namjoon and Jin were busy in themselves whispering sappy shit in each other's ears, jimin was eating while reading a book and Hoseok was video calling his mom apparently because she missed him when she just saw him in the morning, taehyung looked over at him longingly, he missed  his mom too, only if she were to be alive. Jungkook and Yoongi noticed this, but Eunwon quickly grabbed his attention blanking about some fancy bag she lost, Jungkook did not give two fucks but he still presented to listen while subtly looking at taehyung.

Taehyung sighed.

"Rest kid, you look tired" Yoongi said nudging him.

"I know Hyung, c-can I use you as a support?" Taehyung asked shyly, Yoongi didn't seem the type to cuddle but surprisingly he nodded.

Taehyung linked his arm around Yoongi's before reating his head on Yoongi's shoulder and closer his eyes.

Everyone stopped doing their shit and raised their eyebrows are Yoongi.

Yoongi did not cuddle, never. He did not even let anyone get this close to him ever, it's like you only go close to him if you wanna die, Jungkook thought.

Yoongi just glared at everyone trying to tell him to just mind their own business.

Yoongi honestly didn't know himself why did he let taehyung have his way, he just felt very protective towards him, like he was a fragile doll that would break any moment, but his friends didn't need to know that.

Jungkook was uncomfortable, not because of Eunwon sitting on his lap but because of the sight of taehyung with Yoongi like that.

He didn't know why he felt like this, was he jealous? This is so stupid, he dismissed the thought.

"Oh my god!" Eunwon screeched loudly. Everyone turned to look towards her including taehyung who was trying to peacefully sleep.

Meanwhile Jungkook cringed. He thought his eardrums almost bursted.

"What the fuck happened to Jackson, he looks like he just escaped death" she said pointing towards Jackson who just entered the cafeteria.

Taehyung turned to look at him, his face covered in all bruises and for the first time he agreed with her.

Jimin, hoseok just stared their eyes wide open, whilst Jin and namjoon sighed, Yoongi was nonchalantly eating his food not giving a reaction and Jungkook was stiff.

The other members turned to look at Jungkook asking if they should tell taehyung, Jungkook just shook his head and they seemed to understand not questioning it.

Taehyung leant more towards Yoongi and whispered " what happened to him?" He asked looking at Yoongi with big brown curious eyes.

Yoongi smirked "karma is a bitch" before looking at Jungkook who smirked back.

Taehyung furrowed his eyebrows looking at them confused but not questioning it.

Something is up, Eunwon thought.

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