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The bell rang signalling the start of the classes.

Namjoon, Jin and Yoongi quickly bid the farewell and walked way. Hoseok affectionately pinched Taehyung's cheeks and bid his goodbye.

"Tae, I would really walk you to your class, but I have my test today, and I'll be screwed if I'm late" jimin said pouting "if any girls or guys other you, just tell me" he said before throwing one last glare at Jungkook and walked away.

Jungkook's eyes met Taehyung's.

Jungkook felt guilty now looking at Taehyung's face. He bit his bottom lip thinking about what to do. Let me pretend it was nothing, he thought.

"Let's go to class tae" Jungkook said gently.

Taehyung frowned "N-no thanks you go, I have to keep these books"

"I'll wai-"

"No, just go please" taehyung looked his eyes brimming with tears already, his face looked strained as if he's holding it together trying not to break down in front of Jungkook. Taehyung very well knew Jungkook was straight but hearing him actually say it hurt so much. Somewhere along the line he had taken a liking to Jungkook. He didn't know why but Jungkook was so intriguing, it's like he pulled him in, even when he didn't want to.

Jungkook stood his ground. If taehyung was stubborn Jungkook was more. He didn't want to leave taehyung right now. Not when half of the students were staring at him.

Taehyung sighed before shoving his books in the locker and walking towards the class.

Jungkook trailed behind, but at a distance. He didn't fail to send a freezing cold glare at anyone who looked at taehyung longer than necessary.

Taehyung was oblivious to it, Jungkook  was acting like a possessive alpha male that had to protect taehyung his fragile mate.

Jungkook still denied that he had feelings for taehyung but was as clear as glass that he had undeniably fallen for taehyung.

Taehyung ignored his all day after that. Jungkook trailed behind him throughout the day. He had to admit was jealous by the way jimin jumped on taehyung in the middle of the cafeteria just because he 'missed him'. Jungkook was jealous by the way taehyung clung to Yoongi arm instead of his. He was jealous because taehyung asked for a piggy back ride from hoseok who he hardly has any classes with him compared to Jungkook who mostly shared all his classes with taehyung.

Jungkook was quiet throughout. In the sidelines silently craving the attention others got.

Until he finally couldn't take it anymore.

He grabbed Taehyung's arm and yanked him in the nearest empty classroom pushing him against the walls. His arms on the either side of Taehyung's body successfully trapping him.

"W-what do you want kookie" taehyung asked not meeting Jungkook's eyes and pushing himself more against the wall to create some distance between them if possible.

Jungkook slightly softened because of Taehyung's cute nickname for him but shaking his head.

"Why are you ignoring m?" Jungkook asked staring at him. He noticed the way Taehyung's cute glasses were perched on his nose. He noticed the small mole again. Taehyung nibbles on his lower lip and Jungkook's eyes followed that action before he snapped back looking into Taehyung's almond eyes.

"I am not i-ignoring you"

Jungkook snorted taking one more step closer to taehyung, breathes mingled, noses touching.

"Wrong answer, I'll ask again. Why are you ignoring me?" Jungkook asked firmly.

Taehyung's breath stuttered. Jungkook was too close for his liking. Taehyung could see the small mole under his bottom lip, he was so close taehyung could probably count his eyelashes. Jungkook smelled like wood and  cardamoms. He tried not to sniff or lean into the smell.

Jungkook was getting impatient. He was angry after being ignored the whole day, wasn't he worth enough to know the reason.

"Answer me dammit" he shouted banging his hands on the wall.

Taehyung flinched harshly. His eyes filled with tears, he thought Jungkook would hit him. Jungkook's eyes were dark, losing the warmth in them.

Taehyung started cried tears streaming down his face. Breath coming in short pants as he whimpered.

Jungkook felt bad now. He felt worse that he probably did earlier.

"I-it's because I l-like you" taehyung said finally but softly. Jungkook was shocked. His hands dropped as he took a step back.

Taehyung dared to look him in the eyes "I-i don't know how, but I think I started liking you, and hearing you say you'll never like me back, hurt me. I know it wasn't intentional but it still hurt me. Give me some time I'll move on then come around."

Jungkook stilled. Move on.

Jungkook opened his mouth to say something but he got interrupted by Taehyung.

"I'm sorry. I understand if you are creeped out and if you don't want to see me again" he said looking at the ground.

"No" Jungkook croaked. "I still want to m your friend"

Taehyung flinched before smiling sadly with a pained expression in his face.

"Thank you. I-i just need some space I'll get over you I promise" taehyung said before quickly leaving the classroom before Jungkook could say anything.

Jungkook dropped on his knees. He cradled his head in his hand. He had surely made the right choice, but then why did he feel like someone stabbed him in his heart about a million times. Why did he feel bile rising up his throat at the thought of taehyung moving on and dating someone else.

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