
17K 523 285

|A/N : ok this is your those thirsty people who want to read some action, my plot actually didn't involve any smut but I'm just adding this as a bonus chapter, after the previous chapter again. I'm just saying this again, THIS ONLY CONSISTS OF SMUT, the book really ended on the previous chapter, this chapter is not important and you can skip it if you want, it is not connected to the epilogue in the next chapter what so ever|

|P.S this is my first time writing soemthing like this, I have read so much of this to write this it's all mashed together in my head, please don't mind my mistakes, I've written it in one sit, please bare with me! Writing smut it so much work istg! P.P.S - BASICALLY THIS IS 5k BULLSHIT|

Jungkook had asked taehyung to pack all his bags, jungkook didn't want taehyung to argue about about him moving in, in Jungkook's house, his parents were almost never home and even if they will come jungkook will just convince them it's not like they cared about jungkook or anything.

Jungkook asks taehyung to go get cleaned up, after he cleans up himself and tells taehyung he will prepare dinner, taehyung is obviously banned from the kitchen because his "setting the kitchen on fire" skills, as jungkook said himself.

Still taehyung gets dressed, thinking it's a special dinner since jungkook is preparing it and since he asked Taehyung if he wanted wine and Taehyung had agreed, it could be special so he will dress up, even if it's not too crazy.

Taehyung sits on the at the table, his hands tucked under his chin, waiting for jungkook to come already.

Jungkook then decided to grace taehyung with him presence. Jungkook has changed too, he was dressed up in a black shirt and a pair of ripped jeans.

"What are you staring at?" Jungkook asked smirking slightly setting the plates on the table.

Taehyung didn't know why he was feeling bold but he replied anyways "You." He said staring straight at jungkook.

Jungkook was taken aback, be squirmed slightly because of taehyung's straightness still he tried to act cool "well, thank you"

Dinner was severed soon after, and to say that taehyung was impressed was an understatement, taehyung could almost think that jungkook could be a professional chef.

After dinner is over, they move to sit on the couch, with jungkook on one end and taehyung on other, taehyung's legs rested on jungkook's lap as they sip on wine and talk about all the random things that come in their mind. From school to taehyung to jungkook's parents , his friends and to Yoongi and jimin. And finally, they talk about themselves, who they are and what they are to each other. Taehyung must admit that he still gets lightheaded every time he says us, or we. It's crazy to think that they're in a relationship now, that they're boyfriends. But with how comfortable he feels with Jeongguk, how at home he is, the little situations like the one they're in right now, with all of that, how could they not be together?

Taehyung makes sure not to drink too much and somewhere down jungkook knows he would not too. He declines Jungkook's offer for another glass when he finishes his own, and it's not too long after Jungkook's himself is putting his own glass away, too. They're still in the same position, Taehyung sitting with his legs on Jungkook's  lap and facing him, but they're closer this time. And although it wouldn't be the best position, he could lean forward and kiss him.

Jungkook's hands gently rest on taehyung's thigh, and taehyung's breath hitches. Taking this as some sort of a sign, jungkook slowly inches his hands up higher.

Before they could get any higher, taehyung catches his hand with his own and interlocks their fingers, he sighs and rests his head on the couch as he stares at jungkook who's now playing with his fingers.

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