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Taehyung's hands started shaking, he shakily opened his phone ready to call the police, Jungkook or just anyone who could help him.

Taehyung's father tsked "don't even think about it, I have my men behind that raven haired boy whom you call your boyfriend, one call and maybe some car hits him or he gets shot, life is so unfair sometimes"

Taehyung's phone dropped on the ground as his father finished speaking, no no no, this couldn't be happening, taehyung thought.

"Leave h-him out of this" he said voice cracking.

"I can't do that can I, he is your weak nerve and I enjoy pressing it" his father said smirking devilishly.

Taehyung's father got up from the chair and walked towards Taehyung's slowly, like a predator walking towards its prey ready to pounce at it.

Taehyung pushes back towards the door, if that was possible any further.

His father, step-fucking-bastard of a father stood in front of him, taehyung shuddered looking towards the ground.

Taehyung's chin was roughly lifted up by hi father to make taehyung look him in the eyes. Taehyung couldn't help but compare how Jungkook hands felt vs how his fathers felt.

He wanted to run away, run away far far from here, but all he could do right now is cry.

His father gripped Taehyung's chin tighter "look at me" he growled.

Taehyung hesitantly met his eyes and his father grinned, showing his yellow teeth, taehyung slightly winced by the dirty smell of liquor coming out of his mouth.

"Now you do exactly as I say, or that boy will not live to see another day" he said.

Taehuyng cried "please don't do this, p-please, w-why are you doing this?"

His father grinned stepping back, tapping his chin in fake pretence "ah, why? Because it gives me happiness"

Taehyung's eyes widened at the sick answer. What type of answer that was, taehyung thought.

He deserves to die, but taehyung did not have the courage to kill him.

"Go to school tomorrow, break up with him, I don't care about what reason you give him, and if you don't I'll kill him in front of you and then I'll kill you"

"Please, Don't do this I beg you" taehyung cried.

"Nuh-uh" his father said shaking his head before punching taehyung hard in the stomach, taehyung fell onto the ground, blood oozing out of his mouth, stomach turning blue from the new blow.

"If you try to tell anyone, or your lie is not believable you won't like what will happen"

"I'm going for now, but I'm not far and my eyes are always on you" his father said before shoving his 0n the side, opening the door and walking out.

Taehyung didn't know how long he cried, before he felt asleep.


Jungkook finally noticed Taehyung walking in the school, his head bent down low looking at the ground, he looked tired, worn out, lifeless.

As he reached his locker, Jungkook held his arm "taehyung? What's wrong?" He asked concerned.

" nothing" taehyung waved his off, shoving his books into the locker.

"No something's wrong, tell me taehyung" Jungkook said softly turning taehyung towards him and lifting his head up gently by his chin.

Taehyung's eyes were slightly red, lifeless. He stared back.

"You really want to know" taehyung asked monotonously.

Jungkook nodded.

"I cheated on you, I slept with bogumie Hyung" taehyung asked looking straight in Jungkook's eyes.

Jungkook's heart almost stopped beating. But then he smiled slightly "come on taehyung, stop joking!"

Taehyung stared for some seconds before shaking "does it look like I'm joking? I'm saying that he came at my place and fucked me till I cried, I don't think you could ever do that, you're not even fully gay"

Jungkook's expression crumpled, tears brimmed in his eyes, "w-why" he said his voice cracking almost choking on his tears.

"Just" taehyung replied before walking away.

Jungkook stared at his back, tears streaming down his face as he fell on the ground weeping, he didn't care all the students were staring at him, he cared about his heart, which felt like it had been stab he's with a million knifes all together.

Jimin spotted Jungkook on the floor and ran towards him, kneeling beside him " what happened jungkook? Why are you crying"

Jungkook looked up at jimin, with tear streaked face " t-taehyung c-cheated on me"

Jimin's eyes widened "why?" He asked.

Jungkook cried harder "just"

Jimin didn't know how to feel, so he just hugged Jungkook, there in the middle of the hallway, on the floor.

On the other hand taehyung Ran towards the bathroom, locking himself in the stall and breaking down all over again. His heart was hurting, because he hurt Jungkook, he saw the way Jungkook's expression crumpled, voice cracking. And no matter what he said he couldn't forgive himself for what he did, but this was for Jungkook, no matter how much he hurts he couldn't let any harm come towards Jungkook's way.

He whipped his phone out.

Me : bogumie Hyung I need a favour.

Taehyung typed, tears falling on the screen.

Bogumie Hyung : Yeah, tell me taehyung what do you want.

Me : if anyone asks can you tell them, you came at my place yesterday and fucked me till I cried?

He waited for things reply and suddenly his phone rang, Bogumie Hyung was calling.

With shaky hands he picked up the call. Bogum's voice quickly boomed through the phone.

"Tae is that you, what are you saying!" Bogum asked.

"Y-yes y-yes, It's me" Taehyung's voice cracked.

"Taehyung are you alright? What's wrong-"

"Please, p-please just say this, do this once what I'm saying please, just this once-" taehyung whispered cutting Bogum off.

Bogum sighed on the other end " okay okay taehyung, you better explain to me later"

"Thank you, thank you so much"

"Yes taehyung, please take care" Bogum whispered.

Taehyung nodded, even though Bogum couldn't see it, then he hung up.

Jungkook would hate him, but atleast he would still be alive, taehyung thought.

Neither Jungkook nor taehyung attended any of the classes of the day.

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