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sorry I'm annoying but I'm so excited to write my new book. I'll be starting it next month and I'll be free so I'll be updating it regularly ^.^ please look forward to it <3

^ please look forward to it <3

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Oblivious closeted gay, Kim Taehyung unknowingly develops a crush on a handsome bar owner, Jeon Jeongguk. Curiosity getting the best of him, he follows the man one day with hopes of finding out more about him. He finds himself in a bar full of only men, talking, mingling and making out.

"Hyung..." Taehyung says, hesitantly pulling on Jeongguk's shirt sleeve "is this bar only for men?"

Jeongguk smirks "i thought you knew that this is a gay bar before entering, Tae."

And I can't believe dilemma got so many views tbh I feel it's shit it's literally my first fanfic and there are so many mistakes and I'm so bored to read it again and correct it unless I get it beta'd by someone else but nonetheless thank you so much for reading ^.^

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