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"So, why did you transfer here?" Namjoon asked trying to make a conversation.

Taehyung literally froze frowning and staring at his food "I-I uhm I you know I" he started stuttering before Yoongi slammed his fist on the table "namjoon you should totally mind your own business" before he got up and left the table.

No one really asked him the question after that which he was thankful for because namjoon just shrugged and went back to eating his food, Jungkook and jimin looked at him curiously but did not question it further.

He had to thank Yoongi because taehyung clearly did not want to talk about it and he has understand.

The bell rang indicating the end of the lunch " why class do you have now taehyung? Come on I'll walk you!" Jimin said getting up with his tray.

"I have art now" taehyung said quietly, taehyung actually liked art for a change, reminded him that there was so much to the word than he'd seen.

"Actually, I have art too, so I can take him with me" Jungkook said looking from taehyung and then at jimin.

Taehyung blushed because Jungkook actually offered to take him. Jimin held Taehyung's arm "you'll be fine?" He asked.

Taehyung gave him a big smile "y-yeah I'll be fine don't worry"

"Who said I was worried" jimin said chuckling.

To which taehyung blushes again.

Jungkook snorted " if you two love birds are done we can go taehyung"

Taehyung protested "I-it's not like that"  Jungkook just gave him a look to shut up.

"B-bye jiminie" taehyung waved smiling.

"Bye taehyungie" jimin said even though he hated when people called him that, hearing that from taehyung wasn't so bad.

Jungkook frowned, jimin hated being called that yet he did not correct taehyung.

Why was this bothering him? " what are you in pre school? Jiminie? Taehyungie?" He srunched up his face in disgust.

"I-it's okay kookie" taehyung said meekly. By the amount of speed at which Jungkook turned to look at taehyung almost gave him a whiplash.

"Do not call me that" he said giving taehyung a pointed look to which taehyung frowned and looked at the ground.

Jungkook hated that, why did he was to look like someone denied him to eat chocolates or something. Jungkook sighed annoyed " Okay you can call me whatever it's not like I care" he said side glancing taehyung as they walked towards their class.

Taehyung smiled again and Jungkook decided it looked better on his face than that stupid frown " thanks kookie"

Jungkook cringed at first then his lips slightly tugged up in a smile but taehyung did not need to see that.

They entered the classroom finding their respective seats.

"Okay students, today you have to draw portraits of people, I'll divide you'll in groups of two and you can draw each other simultaneously." The teacher said picking up the sheet in which he had already written names, taehyung thought.

He zoned out when he called out the names he hoped that he would partner with Jungkook but then he didn't want to because he was straight and it would be awkward for Jungkook.

"Taehyung with Jackson" taehyung looked around the room to find said Jackson when a tall buffy guy made him way to him.

"So you must be taehyung" he said extending his hand and smirking. Taehyung nodded as he put his hand into his and Jackson gave a quick shake, suprisingly he was quite gentle.

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