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"It's all done" Yoongi said wiping his hands to the jeans.

Taehyung looked over to the ground where the body was buried, the ground almost looked like it wasn't dug up, or it didn't look like there was a body under it.

His abuser's body.

Jungkook looked at taehyung's somber expression as he stared at the ground and went to stand beside him and began rubbing taehyung's back slowly, taehyung leaned his head against jungkook shoulder and intertwined their hands.

"Thank you jungkook, I owe you my life" taehyung said nuzzling his nose into the crook of jungkook's neck.

Jungkook smelled like mud, blood but taehyung didn't care, not a least bit.

"Let's do a group hug!" Hoseok said excitedly before almost jumping on taehyung and jungkook. Jungkook grunted before taking hoseok in while taehyung gave a huge smile and nodded excitedly.

The others soon followed.

Yoongi tsked "you kids never grow up"

Jimin poked his tongue out " sorry to irritate you grandpa"

Jimin yelped as Yoongi pinched jimin's wait before he joined the hug.

Life was funny, jungkook thought staring at his friends, and then staring at taehyung, just some months back he was almost positively sure he didn't have a heart, people called him cold hearted, he never really gave a fuck about anyone's feeling, then came Taehyung. He was like a breathe of fresh air, just like when you for a vacation because you're tired of the city life, you breathe that air, you feel fresh, it calms you down, you feel like never leaving just breathing that air forever. Taehyung was exactly that, a breath of fresh air. He was his escape. He was his home now.

"Do you think we should call ourselves something?" Namjoon asked " like a group name"

They all had their arms on others shoulders, faces down, cherryful smile even if they just committed a sin. They didn't care.

"How about BTS?" Seokjin says.

"What does that mean?" Hoseok asked confused "Boys That slay?" He asked wiggling his eyebrows.

Jimin laughed shaking his head.

"Bulletproof boys, who always stand by the others when needed, who will always have the others back who cannot be defeated." Seokjin said with a small smile.

"Till death do us part" Jimin said.

"Till death do us part" the others repeated.

Taehyung didn't only find friends, he found his family and his other half.


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