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Taehyung laid on the bed with Jungkook beside him, taehyung was somewhat glad that Jungkook didn't ask if he was comfortable with sleeping on the same bed or proposing that he could sleep on the couch, Jungkook understood that after what happened tonight he wouldn't want to sleep alone.

Taehyung was grateful.

On the other hand, Jungkook was having an internal debate, whether he should hold Taehyung's hand which is right beside him or it is too close, he side glanced at taehyung who had his eyes closed, but Jungkook could tell he wasn't exactly sleeping just lost in his thoughts.

So Jungkook decided to do it, if Taehyung gave a negative reaction, he could surely come up with some lame excuse as always like he saw a fly on Taehyung's hand or he couldn't control his hand.

Jungkook inched his hands closer to Taehyung's, his finger barely a milli centimetre apart from his, so close that he could actually feel some of the warmth emitting from it. He took a deep breathe, it's not like he's a starter in all this, it was just hand holding so why was he acting like he was a virgin! Technically he was, he thought again but quickly shook his head slightly.

His fingers brushed against Taehyung's, taehyung stiffened for a moment before slipping a small smile. His hand was still waiting for Jungkook to make the move. So Jungkook did, intertwining them together and Jungkook almost thought Taehyung's hand was made for his.

Taehyung's hand was soft,tan and slightly larger than Jungkook's rougher one, so they fitted perfectly. Like a missing piece of puzzle fits.

Jungkook knew he was being sappy and dumb, but no one needed to know that.

"Hey, I wanted to tell you something" Jungkook started, taehyung hummed prompting him to continue.

Jungkook rolled to his side, how he was facing taehyung, he squeezed Taehyung's hand once before saying "I never pitied you, not once."

Taehyung's hand snapped in Jungkook's direction, Jungkook slightly winced thinking taehyung would definitely get a whiplash if he did that once more.

Taehyung's eyes searched Jungkook's, for a small hint, a small sign that told him he was lying but there was none.

Taehyung shifted closer to Jungkook, wrapping his hands around Jungkook's torso, and resting his head on his chest "thank you and sorry, I misunderstood you, I'm sorry" taehyung softly whispered making Jungkook smile gently.

"Sleep now" Jungkook said rubbing his hands through Taehyung's hair.

"No goodnight kiss" Taehyung said looking up, eyes shining with mirth.

Jungkook almost got flustered, he wasn't use to all this.

He quickly leaned down a little and pressed his lips firmly on taehyung for about a second before pulling away. Taehyung pouted " I said kiss, not peck"

Jungkook smirked "that's all you get for now, sleep"

Taehyung rolled his eyes "yes daddy"

Jungkook stiffened, Taehyung didn't mean that, taehyung didn't mean that, he chanted, tips of his ears turning red.

He took some deep breaths closing his letting sleep take over him, with an angel curled up to him.

"Hey Jungkook, you surprisingly look happy" jimin commented as he reached their group of friends.

Jungkook smiled as he remembered Taehyung's tantrum in the morning, he woke up when Jungkook woke him up sitting up on the bed, but as soon as Jungkook left the room, he went back hiding under the covers and went to sleep.

Jungkook has grumbled when he came back in room finding taehyung asleep " tae, wake up we will be late for school" Jungkook had said and Taehyung had totally ignored him muttering " shut up you're noisy!"

Jungkook had yanked the blanket away from taehyung and his pillow, only for Taehyung to curl into a ball and sleep again.

Then Jungkook had to go to his last resort, he picked taehyung up and threw him into the bathtub, when Taehyung's skin came in contact with cold water he yelled, and Jungkook knew taehyung was wide awake.

Then he proceeded to give taehyung the smaller clothes he owned because Taehyung didn't have time to
go home and change.

The only thing Jungkook was bitter about was that taehyung had asked to not tell any of their friends right now, he needed some time. Jungkook had grumbled but he understood.

So now, when jimin had suspiciously looked at taehyung who decided that he would enter 5 minutes after so they wouldn't look like they came together , which in fact they did.

"Hey I swear you have the same tshirt Jungkook" jimin pointed out at Taehyungs tshirt before looking at Jungkook.

Taehyung's eyes widened as he looked at Jungkook with panic.

Jungkook rolled his eyes lazily "so" he asked raising his eyebrows " it's not like there's only one of this kind tshirt manufactured"

Jimin eyed him before eyeing taehyung " now that I think about it, you had the same pants too"

Yoongi smacked the back of jimin's head " Stop it"

Jimin rubbed his head grumbling that he swears those are Jungkook's clothes. But no one paid attention to him, Jungkook side glanced taehyung and smiled.

"Hey guys" hoseok called him far, jogging towards them, he slightly jumped on Taehyung's back before back hugging him wrapped his arms around Taehyung's waist and resting his head on his shoulder " my taehyungie" hoseok cooed making taehyung blush.

Jungkook grumbled 'not yours fucker' before his eyes met jimin's who raised his eyebrows at him.

Oh shit, jimin definitely heard him, Jungkook thought.

Jimin smirked at Jungkook's panicked expression before mouthing "not gay" teasingly before wiggling his eyebrows.

Jungkook flipped him off.

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