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Jungkook looked over at taehyung, he fumed, he could've stopped him, he could've prevented this from happening. But he didn't, he didn't care, he thought, but why did his heart break watching taehyung cry like this.

This was all my fault, Jungkook thought as he stormed out of the cafe to find Jackson.

He ran towards the parking lot, he was sure they mustn't have gone that far and he was right, him and his gang were right there

"Haha, I know that punch was worth watching that pussy cry" Jackson boasted. Jungkook clenched his teeth, hands forming in a fist, one could easily see those veins.

Jungkook practically ran towards them, he pushed Jackson back, and punched him on his face, just like Yoongi. "You messed with the wrong person" punch "how dare you make him cry" punch "what did he ever do to you" punch "you will not live to see tomorrow" punch.

"Jungkook! Jungkook stop it he will die" Jin and Namjoon came from behind grabbing jungkook's arm. Jungkook tried to push them "don't do this, he's not worth it, taehyung needs us right now" he stopped at this.

"I see you ever again wishing 10 Meters bear taehyung, I'll cut your limbs an poke out your eyes Jackson, this is the last warning." Jungkook seethed before turning back to walk to the cafe with Seokjin and Namjoon.

Jackson's friends grimaced at Jungkook's words, they did not try to get inbetween. No one messes with Jungkook he was scary as it is.

Jungkook reached the cafe and yoongi eyed him now looking at his fist and smirked. Obviously Yoongi was always with him in these matters, blood for tears. Yoongi gestured him to wash his hands because they were covered in Jackson's filthy blood.

Jungkook quickly nodded and scrambled.

Taehyung was so thankful for Yoongi, words couldn't express how he felt but atleast he should try to thank him for saving his face "Yoongi Hyung, t-thank you s-so much Hyung, I-I dont know what I would've done if you weren't there, t-thank you"

Yoongi smiled and this was the first time he had seen yoongi smiling, he could get use to this "h-Hyung you should s-smile more often" taehyung stuttered.

Yoongi blushed. Jin and hoseok cooed. "Look at suga going all red, look at that jimin take a pic, quick"

Jimin quickly took out his phone and tried taking some pictures before Yoongi swatted his hands away "jimin I'll break you phone if you don't stop"

Namjoon snorted " you're not scary to us suga" Yoongi glared.

Taehyung let out a small laugh and smiled because taehyung finally looked a little eased up.

Jungkook came out with wet and hands quickly wiped them on hoseok' a shirt earning him a 'Heyy'

Taehyung looked at taehyung then quickly averted his gaze when their eyes met. Jungkook kneeled to pick up Taehyung's glasses which were all broken and battered. He sighed.

"Taehyung, do you have another pair of glasses? I know you can't see without them clearly" jimin asked worried as he remembered their first encounter.

Taehyung frowned "n-no, I don't and I don't have t-that much money t-to afford them" taehyung said stuttering embarrased about his financial situation.

"It's okay tae,I'll buy you one" taehyung looked up to see Jungkook who had finally spoken.

"N-no y-you don't h-have to" taehyung said looking at the ground as if it was the most interesting this ever rather than meeting Jungkook's eyes.

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