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"N-no it's okay, I don't need new clothes" taehyung said shyly looking at the ground.

"I know, but I buy every employ something and I wasn't to buy you some clothes is that bad? Look of you say no I'll feel really really bad" park bogum said pouting a little.

Taehyung giggled, if only he didn't run into him on the road.

"You coming then?"


"Come on then get into the car" bogum said opening the door for him.

"C-car?" Taehyung asked.

Bogum rolled his eyes " taehyung you want me to buy you stuff from ya roads"

Taehyung blushed again, bogum cooed and pinched his cheeks.

"Bogumie Hyunggg" taehyung whined.

"Okay okay sorry"

"You're not that older to me" taehyung teased.

"I'm still your Hyung brat" bogum glared teasingly.

They reached the mall, and taehyung stared at everything in wonder. He was one of those unfortunate people who had never been to a mall, after his mother died in a very young age, his step father treated him like a slave, just until he couldn't take it anymore so he ran away.

Bogum chuckled at taehyung, he's such a kid, he thought.

Bogum placed his hand on Taehyung's lower back and gently pushed him towards the store.

As they entered 'gucci' taehyung read the name of the store before entering. Cool air brushed his skin as he slightly shivered at the sudden contact of the cool air, he shifted slightly closer to bogum to seek some warmth.

People over here looked crazy rich, he thought. They looked like they rolled out a bed of money, their attire screamed elegance.

Taehyung felt out of place. He even noticed how bogumie Hyung was dressed elegantly, suit and tie and clean polished shoes.

He looked at himself, just a baggy shirt and jeans.

Bogum walked down the aisle of clothes and taehyung trailed behind like a puppy, he was asked about his choices and he simply shrugged because he had none. He wasn't privileged enough to choose what he wore.

"I'll wear anything you buy me Hyung" taehyung flashing a smile.

Bogum's lips lifted forming a small smile. "Okay"

The next two hours taehyung tried all different clothes his Hyung gave him, and showed him whether he approved or not, he approved of mostly everything Because he thought taehyung looked good in anything.

It was Taehyung's 35th item when someone called out him name.

He looked over to see Jungkook making his way towards him and he quickly waved.

"What're you doing here and who's this?" Jungkook bluntly asked glaring at the man beside taehyung.

Bogum furrowed his eyebrows at the blunt glaring, and glared back.

Taehyung oblivious to the tension smiled linking his arms to bogum's "this is my Hyung"

Jungkook raised his eyebrows at the action.

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