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Hi everyone! The picture at the top are the creatures called Kibutsus. They will appear later in the story, so here they are! Again, if you like this story, please vote and comment!

A week has passed, so Alessandro made another interactive video.
"Everyone, please bring Your Holomessangers. We will need them if we get separated. Is everyone ready?"
Everyone said yes.
"All right, then let's go to our meeting place."
Alessandro ended the video. All of the four princes headed to Foggy Forest at different times, but they didn't have to wait long for each other since each of them only had a small time difference. They were all riding on their Ecaprios with their royal partners.

Before entering, Alessandro said, "Ok, everyone, before we enter Foggy Forest, I want us to stay close with each other. It will be hard to see, so follow me. If we do ever get lost, you can use your Holomessangers."
They all stayed close to him. Suddenly, they heard a soft female voice that said, "Who goes there?"
Two foggy sillhoutes came. The princes and their royal partners couldn't make out who were those in the fog.
"Are you friend or foe?" said another soft voice but in a male voice.
Wizard Flair answered, "We come in peace. May we know who you are?"

"That was the question we should ask," replied the female voice.
Sir Esper answered, "We come from the basic kingdoms. We are travelling here to reach Eternal Mountain."
The fog in the area slowly vanished. They saw two sheep-like creatures with fog-like fluffy wool that covered their bodies  and they were stsnding on two feet.
"We are Kibutsus," they said in unison.

"Kibutsus? Don't you live in the mountains?" asked Hiro.
"We do, but a few of us stay here," replied the male Kibutsu.
"Is it ok if you would show us the exit in this place?" asked Xavier.
"Sorry, but we can't. You have to find out on your own. We have never left this place since we came here," replied the female Kibutsu.
They turned their backs when Wizard Shimura said, "Wait, Kibutsus! Can you continue to make this place fogless while we are here?"
They both answered, "Yes," but the female said, "However, there is a time limit; If you fail to exit this place, you may become lost here forever."
They both faded by summoning fog around them.
Sir Renaldo said, "Well, we better get going if we want to get out of here."
"Right," answered Prince Alessandro.

They resumed going in the forest, each tree and flower they saw had different colors, shapes and sizes. At one point, there were two paths, left and right. The right one had colorful trees, while the other path had fruit trees.
"Which way should we go?" asked Rayleef. Alessandro thought for a while then said, "Let's go to the right path."

They all went there, but sooner or later, they ended up where they came from!
"Alessandro, I thought you were right," replied Rayleef in a dismayed tone.
"Sorry everyone, I didn't mean for us to end up here." Alessandro sadly said.
"It's all right, we all make mistakes," replied Wizard Flair.
They all went in again, and this time, Alessandro chose the fruit trees. Just a few minutes later, they saw big yellow feathered birds come out of the trees and start to fly around  their area.

 Just a few minutes later, they saw big yellow feathered birds come out of the trees and start to fly around  their area

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"They are Namikaris!" cried Hiro.
"That cannot be good," replied Sir Renaldo, "We better not make them angry."
Suddenly, it began to rain, then thunders roared in their area.
"Oh, come on! First fog, then this!" Rayleef angrily said.
"I don't like how those birds are looking at us," replied Xavier.

The Namikaris' eyes glared at them, then they started squawking furiously.
"Prince Alessandro, do you want me to drive them away?"
Alessandro nodded and and after she casted the spell, the rain and thunder slowly disappeared. The Namikaris flew away from them.
"What spell did you use, Wizard Flair?"
"I used a calming spell. It helps drive away angry creatures."
They were able to reach the end of the forest in time, as the Foggy Forest had deep fog again.
"I am glad that is over, " Hiro said, relieved.
"Thank you Wizard Flair," replied Xavier.
"Sure, no problem. I AM the Royal Wizard of Prince Alessandro." Wizard Flair proudly said.
After a mile from Foggy Forest, night time has started.
"It's getting late," Sir Esper said, "Let's set up camp here."
Everyone agreed and set up their tents and sleeping bags. Wizard Shimura did the set up for the camp fire. The royal partners of the four princes slept in shifts, except for the princes who enjoyed their sleep.

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