Room of Unity

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All around me are white crystal walls. There was no exit. Where did they all went?
"Hello! Welcome to the Room of Unity!" Boomed a male voice.
At the back of the me was a blue bird with green colored eyes on the white crystal wall.
"You're Clawgrok, right?"
"Yes, I am! Are you ready to take the test?"
Well, I have no choice but to do it...
"Your test is to meet with a special someone you know and collaborate the personalities in you."
"That's it?"
"Need I say more?"
"No...but I don't understand why I have to collaborate with him."
Clawgrok put his wings to his hips.
"You have to, otherwise you're not getting out of here."

All of the crystal walls flashed yellow so I covered my eyes with my hands. When I removed my hands from my eyes, I was in my castle.
"Storm!" A familiar voice said.
I looked around and saw a smiling girl older than me.
"Well? Aren't you glad I'm here?"
She had blonde hair with violet colored eyes. Her smile faded.
"Who are you?"
"I'm your sister, Storm! Don't you remember me?"
I looked at her with a stupid face.
"No, tell me your name."
"Syringa Rayleef is my name."


My head ached terribly that...


My sister looked at me with concern.
"Are you ok?"
"I'm fine, sister."
My headache stopped hurting. My sister smiled.
"I'm happy you remember me. Now, come on Storm, let me cook you food."
She held my hand and we walked.
"You don't need to do that, big sis."
My sister stopped, and said, "Come on, Storm, it's been years since you last ate."
Well, if you put it that way...
"Well, fine."
My sister replied, "Glad you agreed."
We went to the kitchen and she prepared the ingredients she needed for cooking.
"Sit down, Storm, I can handle this."
I followed her and then I thought carefully. I then studied the surroundings. It felt real.

"Food is ready!"
The food she served was my favorite, Beef Stew. I started eating while my sister just looked at me.
"Aren't you going to eat?"
"No, I'm full. Go ahead."
I savored every taste of the food.
"Eating food makes me remember all the fun times we had together."
My sister smiled at me sadly and nodded.
"What's wrong, sister?"
She replied, "No, it's just that..." She faked a smile. "It's nothing, Storm."
Once I finished the food, I placed the plate and utensils in the sink.
"I'll wash that, little brother."
"But..." I looked at her and she shook her head. I knew what that meant. I let her wash it. My head started to ache again...


I didn't know I had a sister. She looks like my mother, but with violet eyes.
"So, Storm, are you ready to play with me?"
"Yes I am! But call me Rayleef!"
She looked at me in sorrow.
"Oh, Storm, why must you let Rayleef take over?"
"What do you mean?"
She sighed and held my hand.
"If only you knew what I mean..."
I know what it means. That was not mine. Let me speak with her, Rayleef. It's been years since we have been together. I got another headache then felt myself drift away.


"I know what you mean, but sister, I have to give chance to him to be himself."
"That's the problem, Storm."
"Why is IT a problem?"
She turned her back on me and shouted, "My little brother deserves to be outside, Rayleef! Just give up on taking control!"
You don't want me? That thought belonged to Rayleef...I want to express myself too, you know!
"Storm, why are you crying?"
"Because you were rude to me."
"You're Storm, right?"
"Yes, but Rayleef is crying."

My sister looked at me in a way I could not understand.
"When will Storm Rayleef be himself?"
I felt like she was disappointed at me.
"Go to the mirror room, Storm, it might help you."
Mirror room? Was that the room I was in before? Yes. Now let's go. Rayleef's thoughts invaded mine once again. It's a bit creepy but I know it's him, so...I shrugged it off then went there. I noticed it had only one mirror, called Revealing Mirror. Its size was as big as my sister and it had gold and bronze designs on its rim . I remember this mirror well. It shows another side of you. When I touched it,I could feel warmth, so I proceeded to apply pressure on it.
"Stop!" The mirror version of myself said.
"Why not?"
"Because if you do, Rayleef will come out!"
I simply smiled.
"I need to speak with him, so leave me be."
I applied more pressure on the mirror until my hand went in.
"No, don't!" yelled my mirror version.
I ignored him and pulled out someone from the mirror. It was Rayleef. The glass didn't break at all.

"What do you want to talk about?"
I told him, "About us switching places in our body. There has to be some way we can merge together."
Rayleef stared at me, then said, "But I don't want to merge. If we did, we might be a different person."
I noticed he was shaking.
"True, it might happen, but we need to merge. If not, how are we supposed to be ourselves?"
"That's crazy talk. Talk to me when you're better!"
I rolled my eyes then looked at him seriously.
"Rayleef, tell me, how are we supposed to get out of here if we don't merge?
He looked at me sadly, then said, "Well," he sighed, "Ok, I have an idea how to merge. We think the same thoughts. It must be in sync or we won't merge at all."
That's a pretty good idea. I smiled at him. He looked at me puzzled.

"That's a good idea, Rayleef. Let's list what we should think together, ok?"
We looked sround for some pen and paper and we found some. We listed the thoughts we should have. We crossed out some which were too far from us thinking about. So, when we were done, we had five things to think about.
"Ready?" I said.
"Ready." Rayleef said.
We held our hands, closed our eyes and started thinking in sync.

Storm Rayleef

When we were done, I saw myself on the mirror. My scarf was arranged to the center, forming a tie. My hair wasn't too neat or messy. It was just right. I looked as cheerful as Rayleef, but I thought seriously like Storm.
"Huh. I am finally myself again."
Everything became yellow, then Clawgrok appeared again.
"Well done, Storm Rayleef! You are now yourself again!"
I giggled.
"Your sister wants to talk to you."
Clawgrok disappeared then my sister appeared on the rainbow crystal wall.
"Good job, little brother. I hope that both of you continue to be in sync. Bye!"
I smiled, then saw the rainbow crystal wall open up. I could smell the sweet aroma of grass. I went out of the cave.

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