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The time to act is now. I reached out to my Holomessanger and checked if my friends were near it. They were, so I made an interactive video. All of their holograms showed up in my room.
Xavier asked, "What is this meeting for?"
"I made this interactive video to tell you that our research is complete. Have any of you unlocked your hidden ability?"
Xavier said, "I have. My hidden ability is Hallucination Overlay."
Rayleef answered next, "Me too. Mine is Soul Split."
Hiro answered last, "I did too. Time Twister is my hidden ability. How about you, Alessandro?"
"I unlocked mine as well. It is called Psycho Blitz. I'm glad everyone has unlocked their hidden abilities. Let's meet up at the entrance of the Foggy Forest. Please prepare all your essentials, since it will be long before we return to our respective castles."

Everyone agreed.
"Oh, and one more thing, each of us should have someone to accompany us. It will get dangerous as we travel to Eternal Mountain. That's all. Goodbye!"
Xavier: "Goodbye, Alessandro."
Rayleef: "See you in a week!"
Hiro: "Bye."

I turned off my Holomessanger. I then started to pack my things. Since Wizard Relos is now in the Spirit kingdom, my parents hired a new wizard. Her name is Wizard Flair. She has been a wizard to several supporting branches and will be my royal wizard in joining our journey.


Packing things can be a bit of a hassle, but at least I get to practice packing my stuff. Wizard Shimura was looking at me from afar then asked, "What is that for, Prince Xavier?"
"It's for our journey to Eternal Mountain."
"Who's going with you?"
I thought quickly then said, "You."
"Me?" He gave a surprised look, then replied, "I would be honored to do so, Prince Xavier."
Now that is out of the way, I continued to pack my things.


I was packing my stuff when my brother asked me, "Why are you packing your things?"
I replied, "It's for a week later." I stopped for a moment then asked, "By the way, brother, do we have a knight that can come with me on going somewhere far?"
Florentino looked at me with a doubtful face then said, "Yes. He is Sir Renaldo."
"I'll ask him to accompany me, then."
"Hiro, where is this somewhere far?"
"It's Eternal Mountain. We're going to save our kingdoms."
"I'm going with you."
"You can't, it should only be the four of us."
"Well I can't accept that. The place before you reach that is dangerous!"
"Brother, I'll be fine. I know how to take care of myself."
"Sure. And if you get hurt, I'll get blamed for that!" My brother answered furiously.
"Brother," I said in a concerned tone, "What if our parents need help? You're the only one who can help them."

Florentino gave me a weird look.
"Our parents can handle themselves."
"Yeah," I said, "But you know, what if he comes back and they're, I am not sure, in a situation where they need help? You're what they need."
My older brother sighed. "Fine, I'll stay here, but be careful."
I replied, "I will be."


Packing my stuff is so fun! It's like going to a fieldtrip! Except that there's danger and we have to protect ourselves! Hmm. Who will accompany me? Should it be a wizard or knight?

A knight's better.

Huh? Where did that thought came from?

It's me, you dumby!

Oh, it's Storm. I jumped high and flipped my whole body then I let my right hand grasp the air. Storm appeared with his left hand in mine.
"Why did you say a knight is better? Wizards can attack from a long range."
"Yes, but if their staff is knocked out, will they be able to attack?"
"But it's the same for both of them."

He put his hand under his chin and appeared to be thinking.
"You have a good point. But even if a knight's sword is knocked out, they can do hand to hand combat."
"Only some. Most do not know how to."
"Well, I know who can do that. Sir Esper."
"Sir Esper?"
"Yes, him. He's at a high rank for someone his age."
"How old is he?"
I can't remember. It's been long since I last saw him."
"Well, let's see him now."
I was about to leave the room when he grabbed my left arm.

"It would be best if I am the one to approach him."
"Why's that?"
"Because he knows me longer than you do."
"Ok, I'll just stay a few meters away from your meeting."
"Actually, I was thinking if I was in control of your body."

Just WHAT?

"No way, I like to be the one controlling myself."
"Come on, it's just a few minutes."
I didn't like the sound of that, but I reluctantly agreed.
"Fine, but make it fast."
"I will," he said smiling.
I grabbed his left hand and felt myself fade into the third person's view.


Ah, finally! After two years I have my body back. That's good. I was walking down the hall when I saw a circular mirror adorned with jewels.I saw my hair was messy. The sight of it made me irritated.
"Rayleef needs to take good care of his hair."
I smoothened it out and it became much neater. Next, I saw his scarf at the side. I made it into a tie. Now,I felt much better. I gave out a happy sigh. I proceeded to the room of my father, King Jacinto. I saw two Royal guards guarding the big golden door with rare jewels as its doorknobs. They stepped aside and let me in. I walked at the familiar violet carpet that lasted until the throne. The side of the room had paintings of us. My father was sitting there with a foldable table and he had some papers pilled on it. He saw me arrive and put away his foldable table at his side.
"Father, may I ask you to summon Sir Esper?"
"Tell me why, Rayleef?"
I almost cringed when he mentioned him.
"Father, I'm Storm, not Rayleef!"

He looked at me with narrowed eyes.
"That's not a polite thing to do, Storm. I'm not sure how you came back, but to welcome me like this?"
He shook his head. "Very rude."
I looked at him with a questioning face. I took a deep breath then said with respect, "Forgive me, King father. I didn't mean to disrespect you."
His eyes became normal, then he said, "You are forgiven. Now tell me why do you want me to summon Sir Esper?"
"It's for our journey to Eternal Mountain, I need someone to protect me and to be with me."
"Very well."
He rang the bell beside his throne, and it made a strong gong. Our butler came and asked, "Who is it you want to summon, your Majesty?"
"Summon Sir Esper. Storm wants to talk with him."
"As you wish," replied the butler.

A few minutes later, Sir Esper came. He had the familiar medium brown hair with crystal teal eyes. He had his armor on with a badge that signified he was of high rank. He kneeled down once he reached the center.

"Prince Reyleef, how can I be of service to you?"
"First of all, Sir Esper," It was as if I was angry, so I calmed my voice, "I am Storm, not Rayleef."
He looked at me, almost stared at me, then said, "If it is true his highness is back, I am sorry for calling you Rayleef, Prince Storm."
"Apology accepted. I wanted to talk with you since I will be journeying to Eternal Mountain. I need you to accompany me on this journey to stop the Nightmare King."
He, this time stared at me, so I stared back. After some time, I said, "Quit staring at me. It feels weird."
"I'm sorry, your highness. I just wanted to make sure you're really Prince Storm."
I huffed, then asked, "Well, are you going with me or not?"
He replied, "I will, Prince Storm. It is an honor to join your journey. I will do my best to protect you from harm."

I felt relieved, then said, "Then it's settled. A week from now we will begin our journey to that place. Please meet me early in the morning, at seven-thirty am."
"Yes, Prince Storm."
"You may now leave."

After he left, my father said, "Storm, come here."
He stands up with his arms wide open. I knew what it meant and so, I gave him a hug.
"How did you come back, Storm?"
"I unlocked my hidden ability, Soul Split. I'm in control of Rayleef's body for now, but he'll be back later."
His eyes showed concern.
"So, you won't come back?"
I gave him a soft look.
"I will be, but not later or soon. At the time Rayleef allows me to control his body, that's when I'll be completely back."
My father gave me an understanding look. "I understand, but I really miss you, my real son."
"Me too, father. I must go now. I'll see you some time in the future."
I turned around and headed to my room.

The Legendary Prince: Junior Years {On Going}Where stories live. Discover now