Room of Determination

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I could only see blue crystal walls everywhere. I wonder where my comrades went...
"Greetings! Welcome to the Room of Determination!" A masculine voice said.
I espied a blue bird with green eyes on the left crystal wall.
"I am Clawgrok, the legendary bird that tests Princes and Princesses."
"Do you know where they went?"
"If you mean your comrades, they are in different rooms, while your royal partners are at the entrance of the cave."
"How do we reunite?"
"You have to complete the test I am to give you, but fail and you'll stay here forever."
"Ok, what's the test?"
"The test is..." He paused a moment, "I hope you're ready, because you have to face your brother, Prince Xavier."


"You're bluffing, right?"
"Nope, it is true."

Oh no...
"You have to defeat him. You can fail many times but if you admit defeat, you have truly failed the test and cannot repeat it ever again."
I felt nervousness eat me up. Why, of all things, do I have to face my brother and not an animal or monster? Everything flashed a bright violet so I closed my eyes and when I opened them, I was in an open garden with different varieties of flowers, with no fountain or benches in sight.
"We meet again, little brother."
I looked where the familiar voice come from. At the back was my older brother.

"Brother Xander!"

I turned around to hug him but he drew his golden sword from the sheath on his back. I stopped, confused.
"What do you mean, brother?"
"I am a test you have to get success in, otherwise you fail!"
He had an emotionless face. I shuddered. This isn't the brother I know.
"Ok, I'll give my best!"
I tried to grasp the air and my Flash Frost Sword appeared.
"Are you ready?"
He taunted me so I swinged my sword and aimed for his chest. He quickly evaded my attack and slashed my right arm.
"Ouch!" I winced in pain.
"Get up."
"I said, GET UP!" He commanded me.

I got up but could feel the pain on my right arm. He seemed to be angry at me.
"That's just the tip of the iceberg, Xavier. What more if I continued?"
He placed back his sword in its sheath.
"You have failed."
"No! I won't give up!" I yelled.
He simply looked at me in disappointment.
"Let us see if you give out."
Everything flashed violet again. The bird appeared once more.
"Give up?"
"No, I will do it again."
"Your choice."
Everything flashed violet for the third time. The pain on my arm disappeared.
"Oh, it's you again," Xander said in a monotone voice.

I, again, made my sword appear. This time I taunted him. He fell for it and swinged his sword. I barely evaded it and tried to land a hit, but instead, I was kicked hard in the stomach. The air in me was knocked out.
"Ow!" I held my stomach. It felt painful.
"Get up!" He shouted.
I did and attempted to land a hit on him. I aimed for his arm and I successfully slashed it. He grunted then knocked the sword out of my hand. I sat down.
"You're getting better," He smiled a little. Then it became a frown, "But not enough."
He placed back his sword in his sheath.
"Failed again."
I got up then asked, "What can I do to have success?"
"You have to beat me, Xavier. Do it well, because I won't hesitate to go all out!"
Everything flashed the same color again. Clawgrok showed himself.
"Maybe you should give up?"
"Fine with me."

Again, violet colors flashed. The pain in my stomach disappeared. When I saw my brother again, his arm was healed.
"Look who's back," Xander sarcastically said.
"Aren't you happy to see me?"
"I am, really," said Xander, "But I have to do my part. So, you ready?"
I nodded then made my sword appear again. I waited for him, and he ran fast and barely slashed my arm. I swinged my sword and it slashed his arm deeply.
He held his arm. It wasn't bleeding, which made me wonder why. He suddenly transformed to his Ecaprio T. Leader forme and started shooting fireballs. I evaded each one then he said, "Why don't you transform, too? That way we'll be on equal ground."
"No, sorry. I prefer to be like this," I replied.
I was about to land another hit when he grabbed my hands and firmly held them. I could feel the fire burning my hands.

"LET GO!" I yelled in pain.
He simply smiled and increased the fire licking my hands.
"Should have done what I told you, " he said smirking.
I tried yanking my hands out but it didn't work. I cried in pain.
He let go of my hands abruptly, but I could still feel the burning sensation.
"How can you defeat your enemy if you don't give all you got?" He asked with a snicker, "Just forget I am your brother. It will make things easier."
I just sat down, wide eyed. What has happened to him? Why is he so rude all of a sudden?
Everything flashed violet and Clawgrok appeared again.
"Just give up!"
"Never ever!"
It sighed then said, "Brace yourself for many failures to come."


Xavier never gave up, even though he failed more than a hundred times. Clawgrok was starting to be impatient. He started to become rude at the prince.
"Just forget it, Xavier, you're not getting out of here."
"I refuse to give up."
It sighed irritatingly and rolled its eyes.
"Yes, your highness."
Every time Xavier failed, he grew stronger and more crafty in a good way. However there was a negative effect to him; his heart  started to grow callouse. Several times has he transformed into an Ecaprio T. Leader of the north, yet he failed to give the final blow to his dear brother.
"I don't get it at all, Xavier," Clawgrok said lazily, "Why not give up?"
"Because," Xavier said angrily, "We Esperantonians never, EVER, give up!"
"Fine, try again it is." Clawgrok said in a defeated tone.
What Xavier didn't know was that he was going to fail for the last time.

"So, little brother," said Xander, "Are you ready?"
"Ready as I'll ever be," replied Xavier.
He made his sword reappear and this time, immediately transformed to his Ecaprio T. Leader forme. He was covered in ice from head to toe, from the inside out. He was extremely cold from the outside that his breathe froze every time he exhaled. Yet, he felt warm. Xander's eyes went wide. He didn't expect him to be fully matured in his Ecaprio T. Leader forme.

"Woah. You've grown quite strong."
"Why, thank you," said Xavier, "Now enough with the chit chat. Let's get to business."
Both waited for each other to attack, yet none of them did.
"This is getting boring, big brother," Xavier snapped.
Xander was unaffected by his change of behavior.
"Then go first, Xavier."
Xavier exhaled then summoned ice crystals using his hand and throwed them at Xander. He evaded each one then shot fireballs. Xavier swiftly and gracefully avoided the attack, then made the Flash Frost sword appear and slashed Xander successfully at his left arm. It was a deep cut, so deep that Xander couldn't move it.

"Heh. Didn't expect you to stop my favorite arm."
"Oh, shut your trap!" Xavier shouted.
He came near his brother then started freezing his body. Xander barely grazed Xavier with his sword. He found that his legs couldn't move well.
"What's wrong? Can't move?" Xavier smirked.
"That's what you think!"
Xander's spiritual fire burned the eternal ice of Xavier. His little brother frowned.
"Almost there. I can feel it." Xavier mumbled to himself.
He drove the sword to the back of Xander.
"Huh?" He was shocked. When he saw his little brother, he saw nothing but determination to win.
"Done yet?" Xavier asked.
Xander's grip on his sword loosened. He felt the ice slowly consuming him.
"You've done well, Xavier. Use this experience when you face your enemies. And know, Xavier," The ice reached his neck, "I love to see you grow."

The ice completed its work. Before Xavier was a frozen Xander. Xavier turned back to his normal self. When he looked at him, he started to cry.
"I shouldn't have done this to him." He mumbled.
After that statement, he was back in the cave.
"Well done, Xavier! You succeeded!"
Xavier sniffed, then said, "But what will happen to my brother?"
"Don't worry, Xavier, he's fine. He burned down your ice, see?"
The crystal wall showed Xavier his big brother melting the ice he used to froze him. He smiled, as if he knew Xavier was watching him.
"You may now head to Soul Lake. Two of your friends are there."
Xavier smiled then proceeded to head out.

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