Storm's Path

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Storm Rayleef

We entered the black path and shortly, a black energy barrier blocked the entrance. The room had no other paths and we were in one small square room. The walls were more of a dark gray than a black color. I ran my hands around the walls of the room and once I reached the fourth wall, the walls of the room shined bright with white carved words. Each of the walls had different words.

The first: Choose one action to do
The second: Split in half
The third: Collaborate with your partner
The fourth: Find the secret key

The options are somewhat easy but not specific. I could split in half, but I'm not sure how. If I do split in half, I wonder, how I could be one again?

"Prince Storm, we could try to find the secret key. Let's look for anything that is odd."

I nodded and we started searching for it. Nothing odd at the ground...or at the walls...wait...I see something shining once in a while at the top of the room!

"Sir Esper, look at the very top of the room!"
He looked up and a smile made its way to his lips.
"I see it...the shape of a key! Let me help you reach it by boosting you."

He carried me then lifted me up, only holding the lower part of my legs. I did my part by reaching the key and when I touched it, it disappeared and the room shook, almost making sir Esper loose his balance. He was able to do a sitting position though, so his fall was not painful. He still held me tightly so I did not fall. When we stand up, the wall in front of me shined four times then opened up to an entrance to a yellow path. We walked for some time then found ourselves in a room with golden walls. There was a silver door with an amethyst doorknob in front of us and a violet circle on the middle ground of the room. The entrance was blocked by a yellow energy barrier. I checked my Holomesenger and saw Hiro's message.
I replied by text: Out of black path, also in golden room.

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