Chapter 3

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I already knew what my mom was thinking when she saw me and Tray hand in hand. I quickly let go of his hand and when I did I felt awkwardness take over the room. I could feel his body shift next to mine. Yea I liked Tray and I think it was pretty obvious but I didn't want to go out sad. I mean I haven't been in a serious relationship since I was with Daniel's dad, plus Tray has girls practically throwing they self at him I mean look at him. I just don't have time for the heartbreak so I'm keeping my guard up. "Dan is in the play room." My mom said as she walked back into the kitchen pulling me out my thoughts. "Come on Tray." I said about to walk upstairs to the play room. I turned around after not hearing his footsteps, he looked focused so I knew he was in deep thought. I walked back over to him tugging on his shirt "Tray Tray come on." Still no movement. "Trayyyy." I whined wrapping my arms around him. Finally I felt him move again. "Finally Tray now come on." I said letting go of him and walking upstairs to the play room. He wasn't very talkative so I knew something was bothering him I just didn't know what. When we made it to the playroom Dan ran over to us hugging me. "Mommyyy." He said hugging my legs. I just love my son so much. "Hi baby." I said picking him up and smothering him in kisses as he giggled. "Dan do you remember him ?" I asked as I pointed to Tray. Dan stopped and thought for a minute. "Tray." He said smiling. "Ahh wassup Dan dan." Tray said taking Dan out my hands with the biggest smile ever. I loved how good him and Dan got along, Dan needed a man in his life and Tray was that man I wanted in his life. What am I saying ? I can't fall for Tray I just can't, I refuse to go out sad. "Can you get his car seat from downstairs and put him in the car, I'll meet y'all out there."  I said as I walked to my old room to grab Dan bags. "Come on Dan dan." I heard Tray say as they walked downstairs.
|Car Ride|
The car ride was silent it wasn't a peaceful silent either it was more of  awkward silence. I looked back to see Dan had already fell asleep I smiled at the sight of my handsome baby boy. I turned back in my seat and tried to talk to Tray. "Tray what's wr-."  I was cut off by him turning the music up just a little bit but loud enough to tune me out. Damn what did I do ? Why is he so mad at me ? I even tried grabbing his hand and he just moved it. I let out a long sigh of frustration and sadness. Obviously I need to talk to him and see what's bothering him. I pulled out my phone to text Carmen cause she gives the best advice.
Carmen- Carmen 🧡
Airi- Airiii 🤞🏾

Airiii 🤞🏾: Babymama ?
Carmen 🧡: Yes boo ?
Airiii🤞🏾: I need your advice about something.
Carmen 🧡: What's wrong 😕
Airiii 🤞🏾: Me and Tray just went to pick up Dan we were great the way there but now he's ignoring me and won't even let me touch him 😔.
Carmen 🧡: 🤨 that's strange. Text me when y'all get here I'll come outside and get Dan so y'all can talk in the car privately. Remember to stay calm and talk not yell lol
Airiii 🤞🏾: I'll try lol but thank you. I love you and I'll see you when I get there.
Carmen 🧡: Aww I love you too 💓💓.
After I read her text I sat my phone down and just looked out the window. No point of me trying to talk to him right now.
I was ignoring Airi because I honestly had nothing to say to her I was so angry with her. I know you may think it's a stupid ass reason to be mad but I don't care. I heard her nails hitting her phone screen obviously texting someone, probably Carmen or Nique. After what seemed like forever I pulled into our driveway. As I turned off the car I seen her texting someone. The front door opened revealing Carmen running outside, she came to the car grabbing Dan. "Hey brother." She said smiling at me. "Wassup sis." I said back dryly ready to get out the car. As I was getting out I felt Airi grab my arm. "Remember what I said Airi." Carmen said closing the car door with Dan in her arms. Airi watched her go back inside before letting my arm go and turning towards me. "Tray Tray ?" She asked staring at me. I just looked at her as she continued to talk. "Can we please talk ?" She asked me.
"Can we please talk ?" I asked him. "Talk about what Airionna ?" He asked angrily. Ugh I hated when he called me by my full name. "Why you mad at me Tray Tray ?" I asked looking at him. He ignored me and pulled out his phone just to get on Twitter. At this point I was becoming angry and frustrated but I kept my cool and thought about what Carmen said. "Tray." I said snatching his phone. "Wassup with you ?" I asked with a serious tone. He turned his head looking out the window. "Nothing." He replied acting nonchalant. He's so stubborn omg. I grabbed his face making him look at me. "Tray bills quit lying to me." I said frustrated as hell. Before he could respond his phone started ringing as he went to grab it I snatched it out the cup holder reading the name flash across the screen "Gilly 💉" He can wait I said as I hit decline. "I'm mad because you treat me different in public when we in the house or just us you always up under me but when we get in public you act like you don't even fuck with me. Like when we went to get Dan you was so quick to let go of my hand when yo mom said something. Like are you embarrassed of m-" I cut him off before he could even finish. "Embarrassed of you ?" I asked shocked. "I have no reason to be embarrassed of you. I let go of your hand because I didn't want you to feel uncomfortable I know how my mom is she would've start portraying it as if we were together I didn't wanna weird you out that's why I let your hand go. I'm sorry if I hurt your feelings." I said. "Airi you know how I feel about you I've told you multiple times that I was vibing with you." Vibing ? "Vibing with someone and catching actual feelings for someone is totally different." "Well what if I am catching feelings ?" He asked grabbing my chin and looking in my eyes. I was stuck I didn't even know what to say. I wanted to kiss him right there but I knew I couldn't. This was just to good to be true. I shifted in my seat before replying, "Then I say we take it slow." I said moving back blushing as I handed him his phone back. He smiled as he took it from, after a few more minutes of talking we hugged and headed into the house. I hope I didn't just set myself up for failure. Tray wouldn't let me go out sad though. Or would he ?

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