Chapter 33

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I was so fucking mad right now. I had blood all on my shirt from my cuts I got from all the glass Airi was throwing. I was speeding to Micah house ready to hurt anybody. I was going at least 100 mph. My thoughts were everywhere. Paying no attention I ran a red light still doing 100. I tried slamming on my breaks as a tow truck came pulling out. BOOM ! I felt my car flip over at least three times before everything went black.
I paced back and forth in the family room rubbing my temples. "Gilly bruh just calm down." King said. "I can't man." I replied. I just couldn't calm down I was hurting for my sister and at the same time I was scared for Tray. He's not answering the phone and I don't know where he went. He sped off doing at least 100 and didn't even put on a seatbelt. If anything was to happen to him I don't know what I would do. That's my brother man. I sat down trying to relax as I got a phone call. "Hello." I said sighing. "Hi is this Christopher friend of Tracey Billingsley ?" A man asked over the phone. "Who's asking ?" I asked sitting up. "This is officer Johnson with the Houston Police Department. He was recently in a pretty bad car crash and was just rushed to Park Plaza Hospital. We urge that you get here quickly." He said. "Okay thank you." I hung up not even realizing I was crying. "What's wrong Chris ?" Nique asked. "Tray in the hospital he's in the fucking hospital he got into a car crash and they just rushed him to the hospital." I said panicking as I ran into Airi room. "Yo Airi we gotta get to the hospital now !" I yelled running into her room. At this point I was about to have a mental breakdown. I know some people think it's weak for a man to cry but I don't care, this my brother we talking about. "Gilly calm down what's wrong ?" She asked trying to hold me up. I never let her or anybody else see me like this. I had tears flowing down my face like a waterfall. I was a mess and could barely stand up. "Tray. My brother Airi my fucking brother." I said as I slid down the wall with my head in my hands. I didn't know what to do other then to cry. "Gilly what about Tray ? What happened to him ?" She asked pulling on me as she began to cry. "He got into a car accident they just rushed him to the hospital." I said trying to stop the tears. "No no no." She repeated as she stood up panicking.

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