Chapter 35

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It's been two days since Tray has been in the hospital. He's still connected to a breathing machine. Only time I left his side was to go home and shower or out to eat. I know your probably thinking how the hell could I be by his side still. Honestly I don't even know. Even after all the shit he's put me through I can't help but to love him. I sat next to his bed with one of his hoodies on as I began to cry looking out the window as the rain hit the glass, it looked so gloomy and depressing out. I just wanted to hear his voice. I wanted to hear his Atlanta accent. I wanna hear him say "Airiiii" every 5 minutes. Yes I'm still pissed at him and yes we are still broken up but that's the love of my life at the end of the day. I grabbed his hand as I wiped my tears. "Tray if you can hear me I just wanna let you know I love you even after all of this. Me, Layla, and Dan needs you. Gilly hasn't came out his room since your accident. We all miss you at home. I know I told you that I hated you but I don't. I was just upset with you I mean I still am but that doesn't matter right now. I just want you to be okay." I said. "Airi." I heard a voice whisper. I looked up to see Tray slowly opening his eyes. "Tray oh my god." I said hopping out of my seat. I ran out to get his doctor as they rushed into the room they pushed me out so they could talk to him. After about 30 minutes they finally let me back in. I walked in to see Tray sitting up looking like just lost his bestfriend. "How you feeling ?" I asked sitting next to his bed. "My body hurts." He responded. I slowly nodded not knowing what to say. "Where's Gilly ?" He asked finally looking at me. "He's on his way with Nique and King. He's been worried about you." I said. He nodded. "Sooo what you gonna do about Micah ?" I asked breaking the silence. He let out a long irritated sigh, "Do we really have to talk about this right now ?" He asked looking at me. "Well considering the fact that you have another child on the way then yes we do needa talk about it." I responded. "Possibly has another child on the way. Nobody knows if I'm actually the dad and she might not even be pregnant who knows. She's a liar." He said. "Tray you laid down with her multiple times don't try to deny the baby now that you got caught up." I said rolling my eyes. "Why does it matter Airionna ? You broke up with me already. If she is pregnant and the baby is mine then yes I'm gonna step up and take responsibility but at this point it's really none of your business." He spat back with the biggest attitude. I'm so confused as to why he's mad when he lied to me. "I don't know why the fuck your so mad. You caused this shit." I said back with an attitude. "If you gon sit here and nag the whole time then you can go. I damn near lost my fucking life and you wanna sit here and argue about some delusional ass ex." He said. "She wasn't to fucking delusional if you had your community dick all in her." I mumbled. I was the only one by his side at this hospital every damn day even after the bullshit and he comes at me like this ? He's so fucking ungrateful. "Gillyyy." Tray said smiling as Chris walked in with Nique and King. "My brother." Gilly said with the biggest smile on my face. "I'll be in the lobby." I said mugging Tray. I was so mad that he really came at me like that when I've been nothing but loyalty to him. I walked out slamming the door behind me as I stormed into the lobby.

If y'all haven't read that Nique and King story  go read it nowwww, it's by me and my sis -PapiEsha- and y'all it's bomb af okurrrr. Leave comments on this chapter tell me what y'all want to happen, how y'all feel about the whole story, do y'all think Micah lying, just talk to me.

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