Chapter 16

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Next Day
It was going on 1 in the afternoon and Tray was still in the bed with Airi. "Dang they can't be that tired. We got videos to do." I said laying on Taylor. "He was in there blowing her back out that's why they so tired. Duh." Nique said. I looked up to see Taylor going through my phone as usual. She has a real bad problem with going through my shit and it's getting so annoying. I snatched my phone out her hands walking to the room. I was so sick of her always going through my stuff. I plopped down on the bed as she walked in with an attitude. "Don't snatch nothing out my hand ever again Christopher." She said rolling her eyes. "Then stop going through my shit." I said returning the attitude. "Then stop giving me reasons to !" She yelled. I got up from the bed slamming the door shut. I didn't need everybody in my business even though I'm sure they could still hear me. "Nobody gives you a reason. You just insecure as fuck. You always think somebody out here cheating. You go through my shit because of your insecurities. You must be the one cheating !" I yelled back. "Don't accuse me of no shit like that you know I'm nothing but faithful." She said now in my face. "Get out my face Taylor." I said moving her back. "I'm so sick of you lying." She said slapping me. That pissed me off more I was already mad that she's accusing me of something I'm not doing then she had the nerve to put her hands on me. I grabbed her arms throwing her against the wall trying to stay calm. I guess the sound of her hitting the wall must have scared everybody because soon after they all came running in. "Gilly chill that's a female." King said pulling me out the room as the girls went to check on her. At this point I was over her and her accusing, I would never hit her that's why I only pushed her a little but damn who wants to keep getting slapped all the time. "I'm so sick of this bullshit." I said annoyed. "Just relax bro I understand you mad and all but that's still a female." King said trying to calm me down. "Y'all do to much this why we moving out now." Corey said shaking his head. Me and everybody else in the house is so tired of him. He's so quick to throw things in people face, every since him and Carmen bought a house he's been bragging about it nonstop. "Yo it's not even the time for all that." King said. I stood up aggravated as hell. "My nigga shut up already me and everybody else in this house is sick of you bragging. Okay y'all bought a house congratulations shut the fuck up now !" I yelled turning red. As Corey stood up the girls ran into the living trying to see what was going. "Nigga you sound like a hater. You mad cause you can't buy a house on yo own ?" He asked smirking. At this point I was ready to fight. We supposed to be brothers and he acting like this. "What's going on ?" Carmen asked standing in front of Corey. "He hating cause we buying a house." Corey said moving her out the way.
As I was sleeping peacefully in the bed with Tray I heard yelling as if someone was arguing, I listened closer and it sounded like Gilly and Corey. I sat up rubbing my eyes as I looked at the clock. I was still tired after last night so I'm annoyed they woke me up. "Nigga what you tryna do ?!" I heard Gilly yell. I shook Tray making him wake up. "Whaaat ?" He asked sitting up. "Sounds like Gilly and Corey ready to fight." I said hopping off the bed grabbing my toothbrush. I refuse to try to break up a fight with stank breath. "Oh my god." Tray said following me into the bathroom with his toothbrush. After we finished we walked into the family room to see Corey and Gilly in each other's face like they was ready to kiss or something as King and Dre tried pulling them apart. Then there was Nique and Carmen arguing which was unusual, Ken and Taylor were both trying to get them to calm down but they weren't listening. We stood there just watching them argue before Corey decided to push Gilly making him fall. "Aye nigga what the fuck is yo problem ?" Tray said pushing Corey back making him hit the wall. I shook my head knowing this was gonna end bad. "Everybody shut the fuck up !" I yelled making them all look at me. This a damn shame I gotta go into mommy mode just to get them to shut up. "Everybody sit down now." I said annoyed. As they all sat down I looked at them shaking my head. "What's going on ?" I asked looking at Gilly. "Me and Taylor got into it she slapped me I pushed her into the wall then they all came in there. King brought me in here to calm me down and outta no where Corey start talking about how we do to much that's why him and Carmen are moving out. I'm tired of him bragging and I know y'all are too." He explained mugging Corey. "Well I'm glad Daniel wasn't here y'all in here doing all this cussing and fighting over something stupid. We have two pregnant girls here they don't need that stress and how am I supposed to bring Dan over here ? How I know when I bring him y'all won't do this all over again ?" Before I could continue I heard Taylor whisper something under her breath as Carmen laughed. "What the fuck is so funny ?" Ken asked mugging them. "Honestly." Nique agreed. "Did y'all have something y'all wanted to say ?" I asked looking at Taylor. "I said it's not like you ever bring him around or be with him anyway." Taylor said. Oh this bitch got bold over night. "And Carmen you found that funny ?" Ken asked. "I can laugh at anything I want to." Carmen said with attitude. My focus wasn't even on Carmen at this point because I was already over her. I looked at Taylor with the meanest mug I've ever did. "Bae just calm down." Tray said standing in front of me as Taylor stood up. "You don't got no right speaking on that. Mind your business. I can't even defend you at this point." Gilly said shaking his head. "No move Tray. I'm sick of her mugging me anyway." Taylor said rolling her eyes. I was so confused as to when she became so tough. "Girl why didn't you have this same energy when I launched a brush at yo face and had you damn near crying ?" I asked trying to move closer to her. "You just grew balls over night or something ?" Ken asked as Dre held her back. "Somebody give this bitch the boot already." Nique said shaking her head. "Do you wanna fight or something ? We was just fine yesterday so what's the problem now ? Why you feel the need to speak on my son ?" I asked confused. She knew I bring Daniel around she knows I also see him she also knew he was gonna move in when Carmen and Corey moved out so I was deadass confused. "I don't like you Airi and it's clear you don't like me. I never I said wanted to fight you but if that's what you trying to do then it's whatever." She said shrugging. "Oh my god Tray move." I said pushing him. "No it's not even worth it." He said putting his hands on my shoulders. "Bitch you got some nerve." Ken said. "Either you move or I'm throwing something else at her face." I said looking around the room. "This is what Corey meant when he say y'all do to much." Carmen said chiming in. "You Shut up if y'all gon move out move out already. What y'all waiting on." I said annoyed with the whole situation. "Don't even fight her Airi. I got a better idea." Gilly said looking at Taylor. "We done." He said before walking out. She stood there looking stupid as I laughed. "Christopher." She said running after him. "This is to much." Tray said shaking his head. "You so fake Carmen we supposed to be baby mama crew and you just switching up." Nique said getting emotional. "I'm not switching up I'm doing what's best for my family and that's moving out." She said crossing her arms. "It's not about you moving out what do y'all understand. It's the fact that every since you met new people down here in Houston you been acting funny towards us. I mean damn we just met Ken and Dre not to long ago and Ken is here for us more then you are." I said wiping Nique tears as King put his arm around her. "Well I'm sorry y'all feel that way but it's not like that." Carmen responded. "Bae you don't gotta explain yo self. Come on we got places to be." Corey said pulling her downstairs. "That's the problem right there." Ken said rolling her eyes.

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