Chapter 25

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Its been two whole days since that dumbass incident at the mall and none of has heard from Tray since. He not even answering Lai and Gilly calls. I wasn't sad at all because I'm literally over his childish ass games. I'm not gonna let him stress me or my baby out. "Yo if Tray don't answer the phone his ass gon get left in Atlanta nobody finna play with him." Gilly said sitting next to me. "Then leave his ass." I said shrugging. "You can't just leave yo man here." Cierra said. "Fuck him I'm not gonna keep playing with him." I said. "Flight to Houston, Texas is now boarding." A lady over the intercom said. "Let's go y'all. He a grown man if he wants to come back home he will." Gilly said shaking his head. Gilly was right Tray is a grown ass man he can make his own decisions. We all boarded the plane and I couldn't be more happy. I'm so ready to get the fuck outta Atlanta and back to Houston. My home.
I know y'all probably thinking "Tray you ain't shit." "What are you thinking ?" I know I know. Truth is I'm not thinking. I'm just so tired of everybody and everything I need a break. Gilly and Airi have been blowing my phone up non stop. I don't wanna talk to anybody right now. Me and Micah did chill that day after what happened at the mall but that's it nothing more then that. We've been texting but it's been strictly friendly talks. She tries to get back with me but I rather not. I love Airi of course and she's pregnant with my child, my first child at that. I was at my moms house in my old room thinking. I could really lose my family by being stupid. As much as I wanted to pick up the phone when they called me I just couldn't do it. As I was thinking my sister came into the room and looked like she could kill me right now. "What ?" I asked as she just stared at me. "You are so damn dumb Tray. Like really dumb." She said shaking her head. Here we go. "Airi is pregnant with your child and you pull some stupid stuff like this." She said. "I just need time to think Morgan that's all." I replied. "Think about what ? What you needa do is get yo ass to the airport and take ya ass back to Houston." She said grabbing my suitcases. "I'm not going back to Houston right now." I said laying down. "Tuh yes you are get up." She demanded. "I'll go tomorrow." I said becoming annoyed. "Fine be stupid." She said before walking out.
Our flight seemed like it was forever but we were finally back home and in Houston. Cierra just left and Nique and King are finally back from Baton Rouge. "I missed you girl." Nique said hugging me. "I missed you more." I replied. "You will not let Tray stress you out." She said looking at me with sympathy. "Girl I'm fine trust me." I said smiling. Truth is I'm not fine. On the inside I'm so emotional but I refuse to show it. It's just not worth it anymore. "Good. Go get some rest I'll watch Dan cause I know your tired." She said pushing me towards my room. "Thanks." I said as I climbed into my bed. Right when I was ready to fall asleep Gilly walked in. "Just coming to check on you and my nephew. Need anything ? You hungry ? Thirsty ?" He asked. I laughed at how he just swears I'm having a boy. "Me and the baby are fine. We just need some rest that's all." I said. "Call me if you need something. Ima try to get in contact with yo dumbass boyfriend." He said before walking out. I smiled at the fact that Gilly was always here for me. We are super close so our bond is tight. Supporters made a couple page for us and it's weird because Gilly is my bestfriend and Tray is like his brother. I picked up my phone staring at Tray's number. I really can't take this anymore we just talked about how we didn't need any stress on me or the baby and what does he do ? Stress me the fuck out. It's time I let everything out and tell him how I really feel. I decided to text him and be completely honest about this whole thing. Hopefully this won't go in one ear and out the other but at the same time I really don't care. A relationship is not the the thing for me and Tray right now. I just need to focus on my baby Dan and my unborn child. If it's meant to be Tray will come around if not then oh well.

The Text
Airi: Tray it's time I let everything out and be completely honest with you. I love you but you continue to stress me out with your games and childish ways. We just talked about not having stress and just a few days later you stress me out. I am carrying your child if you haven't noticed, your supposed to be here comforting me and making sure we're good but since you wanted to ignore calls and stay in Atlanta or wherever you are Gilly had to step up and make sure I'm good. You've embarrassed me one to many times & I can't take it anymore. I just wished you loved me as much as I love you. When we first met we were so happy. I would blush just hearing your name, I used to get butterflies being around you. It's like when I met you my fairytale was coming together but it's been ruined like always. I give you chance after chance every time you do something so stupid. I don't understand how somebody could make me so sad but I still want them to stay. Its nothing in the world I wouldn't do for you. I'm putting in effort but your not doing the same. You have to meet me half way Tray. It's like your scared of commitment. I'm not gonna force you to be with me because honestly I don't think we need to be together at least not right now. I just ask you to man up and realize that I'm carrying your child and we both need you. I love you but I think it's best if we call it quits. I love you ❤️❤️
-Delivered 3:45

I may have cried over Tray before but I've never cried this hard. You know the cry that made your throat hurt, that cry that made you choke ? The worst cry ever. I expected so much more from Tray but like always I get less, it never fails when I'm in a relationship. He really stayed in Atlanta while I'm in Houston crying my eyes out, didn't even have the decency to answer the phone when I called. What if something was wrong with me or the baby ? I just can't do this whole Tray and Airi thing. He doesn't care about me he's made that clear on multiple occasions. Trairi is officially dead.

Okuuuur read me & -PapiEsha- new story. It's a Nique and King love story. I know I been slacking but truth is..there is no truth I'm just lazy as hell lmao but I'm back to being consistent I promise, maybe. Make sure y'all comment tell me how y'all feel about this chapter.

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