Chapter 27

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Okur so I'm finna add some twists to the story something y'all not gon be expecting so get ready cause the next few chapters finna be crazy ☺️
Me and Airi are currently in the car on the way to her doctors appointment and it's dead silent. She doesn't even look at me like I understand she's mad and all but damn this silent treatment is unnecessary. "I mean you can at least make small talk with me." I said taking a quick look at her then back at the road. No answer. "Airionna this is really childish." I said. "Tuh whats childish is you. Now just drive and stop talking to me." She said rolling her eyes. Man this girl is stubborn, I didn't even bother talking to her the rest of the ride if she wanna act like that then fuck it. I pulled into the parking lot cutting the car off, I got out not even bothering to open her door like I normally do. That was rude but I don't care at this point, I know all this is my fault but damn at least I'm trying. "Rude ass bastard." I heard her mumble under her breath as she walked past me. "Guess that makes two of us." I replied. "Look Tray I'm really trying my hardest not to snap on you and say all the hurtful things I wanna say to you but you really testing me at this point. For the rest of this visit just don't say anything to me, don't look at me, don't even think of me." She demanded walking into the building. I followed behind her looking dumb. I was so lost for words. It's like we hate each other now but I caused all this drama so I can't be mad at anybody but myself.
After the doctors appointment and Tray getting on my nerves we were finally on our way home. The appointment went good the baby is healthy and doing good. I hate that I have to treat Tray the way I am but he brought this upon his self and like I said before I'm not making it easy for him. After finally making it home Tray grabbed my hand before I could walk into the house. "What ?" I asked beyond annoyed. "I'm sorry I'll say it a thousand times. I just want you back, I need you back. I miss you and I miss holding you at night. I miss us laughing together and you talking to me. Just please forgive me I'm begging you." He begged. "That was cute but it just wasn't good enough." I said before walking into the house. "Dan I'm home." I said walking upstairs. "Mommy." He smiled hugging my legs. "Hi big boy." I said picking him up. "Dan we supposed to be having a movie date how you just gon leave me." Nique said walking out of her room. "Movie date ? Without me." I said pretending to be hurt. "You know you invited. How was the appointment ?" She asked. "It was good the baby is doing fine." I responded. "And what about Tray ?" She asked smiling which made me grown a little. "What about him ? He did nothing but get on my nerves the whole time." I said shaking my head. "Y'all gon be alright. Keep the faith. Now come on so we can have our movie date." She said dragging me to her room.

I know I've been slacking but I'm really a busy person & I been tryna write two books at once & obviously that's not going well but anyway this just a short chapter because y'all been asking for me to update & I wanna skip ahead a few months just because it's getting boring and I wanna get to the juicy parts so I'm gonna skip ahead in the next chapter.

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