Chapter 30

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"Come on we going on a date." I said trying to pull Airi out the bed. "Nooo. Me and the baby wanna nap." She said whining. "Y'all nap all day. Get up." I replied. "Please bae, just a few more minutes." She begged. "Nope get up." I said. "Fine. I'm up." She pouted as she walked to our closet. "Let's match we can wear our Nike outfit we just bought." She said rubbing her belly as she looked through the clothes. I came behind her wrapping my arms around her as I rubbed her belly. As soon as I touched her stomach the baby started to move. "I'm ready for the gender reveal." She said. "It's a girl for sure." I said smiling. I wanted to have a little princess so bad. I could baby her and spoil her all I want, I mean I could do that with a boy too but with a girl it's different. "We'll see in a few weeks." She replied as she pulled our outfits out the closet. "Come on we gotta showed." She said mushing my face as I tried to kiss her. "Aye stop dodging my kisses what you got going on." I said becoming frustrated. "You can get all the kisses you want after we take our shower." She replied grabbing our towels. After our shower and our mini concert we were finished getting dressed but of course Airi was still doing her hair and makeup. As I put on my chains I got a text from an unknown number. "I'm coming for you. Your mine forever and always." I read the text so damn confused. I don't got time for these childish ass games, I deleted the text and walked into the family. "Aye take my pictures." I said to Chris as I handed him my phone. "Where you going ? The drip is crazy." He asked hyping my head up as he took my pictures. "Me and Airi going out." I said. "Ooo I wanna take pictures too." She said as she came into the family room. "Y'all look fly." King said walking in. We both had on our Grey Nike tracksuits and our all white Nike's. Of course Airi's hugged her curves more from being pregnant but it looked good on her. "Look at that body." I whispered to her causing her to laugh. After we finished taking our pictures we were headed out to get something to eat. We settled for red lobster because that's what Airi wanted and whatever Airi wants Airi gets. We were sitting in a booth across from each other talking. "Now we could've wore something more dressy." She said sipping her water. "These folks don't know nothing bout the drip. We look fine." I said grabbing her hands. "I love you." She smiled which caused me to smile of course. "I love you too baby." I replied. Since my seat was facing the door I couldn't help but to notice Micah and Taylor walk in together. What in the hell they doing together ? How they even know each other. Micah looked over smirking at me as Taylor laughed. "What's wrong ? You look like you just seen a ghost." Airi said frowning. "Nothing I'm okay." I replied. I got up going to her side as I sat by her. She grabbed my hand pulling me closer to her as she kissed me. "Can we take a picture please ? Oh my god I can't believe I'm seeing y'all." A girl said running to our table. I love our supporters but damn she really ruined the moment. "Sure come on." Airi said smiling. The girl snapped the picture still excited. "Congrats on the baby I hope it's a girl." She said smiling. "Thank you I hope it's a girl too." I smiled back. She ran back over to her table still staring at the picture. "Ima go to the bathroom I'll be back." Airi said. I stood up helping her out the booth. As I sat back down Taylor and Micah cake sitting across from me. "Fuck are y'all doing ?" I asked looking around. "We came to talk." Micah smirked. "How y'all even know each other and we ain't got nothing to talk about. I told you that shit is over." I said through gritted teeth. At this point I was becoming way more then annoyed. "We're cousins." Taylor said proudly. Cousins ? Man what the fuck. "So you think you can just fuck me every time you come back to Atlanta and just leave me ? Nah it don't work like that." She said. As I started to respond she cut me off. "I will expose the truth if I have to and ruin that little happy home." She said sliding me a note before they got up going back to their table. I opened the note confused as hell, "I'm pregnant." Hell no hell no hell fucking no. This can't be happening this really can't be happening right now. I slid the note in my pocket before Airi came back to the table. The whole time I couldn't help but to think about the note. It can't be true, I wrapped it up and I pulled out. Maybe she not even pregnant, but what if she is ? Airi would never talk to me again she made that clear. But what if the baby turns out to not even be mine ? So many things were running through my head right now. "Tray you okay ? You look sick bae." Airi said. "I just feel a little sick that's all." I responded. "Come on let's go home you don't look good at all." She said standing up. I paid for our food and left out with Airi. The ride was silent it wasn't an awkward silence thank god. What the hell am I gonna do. I'm not tryna lose Airi again but I don't want Micah exposing shit or sending shit to any of these tea pages. I'm in a fucked up situation right now. We have a baby on the way. Our damn gender reveal is in a few weeks & ima be walking around with this shit on my mind. Damn I fucked up. I gotta get Micah to stay quiet about this. I know that'll be hard cause she's an attention seeker but I gotta do what I gotta do.

This tea is hottttt baby okurrrr. Y'all remember Taylor ? Gilly ex welp she's back & cousins with Micah Trays ex from Atlanta. Sis it's finna get crazy

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