Chapter 32

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Few Weeks Later
It's been weeks since we had our gender reveal. Micah has been basically harassing me nonstop. Now here I am standing at her front door, she texted me on some major bullshit. I pounded on the door annoyed, pissed, and frustrated. After pounding nonstop the door finally swung open. "Fuck are you banging on my door for ? Fuck you want ?" She asked frowning as her Atlanta accent became heavy. "You on some bullshit man. The fuck is wrong with you Micah ?" I asked pushing her aside as I walked. "First of all don't just walk into my house like you pay bills secondly what the fuck are you talking about ?" She asked sitting on the couch. As she sat down I looked at her stomach and noticed it was getting a little pudgy. Man what the fuck. "I'm talking about this dumbass text you sent my phone. You talking bout sending shit to Allteaallshade if I don't pay yo goofy ass. I'm not giving you no fucking money that's taking from me, my child, Airi, and Daniel. Not happening." I said. "Nigga Daniel ain't even yo damn child why you tryna play stepddaddy for ? I didn't make this damn baby by myself." She said standing up. Hearing her bring up Daniel brought me over the edge. I grabbed her by her neck pinning her against the wall. "Keep his name out yo fucking mouth dumbass girl." I said as I let her go. I let her body hit the ground as she struggled to breath. "Keep up with the dumb shit you doing and ima show you a whole different side of Tray. Send that shit to Allteaallfuckingshade. Do what the fuck you gotta do just don't text my fucking phone and stop popping up places." I said as I pulled her off the ground throwing her back onto the couch as she cried silently. "Do I make myself clear Micah ?" I asked getting annoyed. No answer. "Quit all that fucking crying bruh. I want a damn test as soon as this "baby" is born cause we both know you be out here wilding with every fucking body if you even fucking pregnant." I said. With that being said I walked out of her house back to my car. I felt uneasy like something was gonna go wrong today. I just had that feeling.
I sat in the bed as I scrolled through my Instagram. I came by a picture of me and Tray of when we first met. I smiled as I liked the picture. Who would've thought me and Tray would come this far. As I continued to look at the picture I felt Layla kick. I rubbed my stomach smiling. I kept scrolling as a friend request caught my eye. "Lifeasmicah started following you" I clicked on the profile realizing it was the same girl from Atlanta, the ex I had to lay hands on. I rolled my eyes as I clicked off her profile. Hoes always want clout. After switching from Instagram to twitter my Instagram notifications start going crazy. I got back on Instagram to see what all the chaos was about. Reading the post and pictures I felt my blood boil. She's pregnant ? She exposed her and Trays messages, she had pictures of the two and had a lot to say about me. "Tray ! Come here !" I yelled. Not long after he came running into the room. "What's wrong ?" He asked. "Fuck is this huh ?" I asked showing him the phone. He looked at it for a minute. "Fuck man." I heard him mumble. "Speak up. What the fuck is this !" I yelled. "Baby I was gonna tell you I promise I was I just didn't know how. I'm not even sure the baby is mine." He explained. "You was gon tell me when ? When this bitch had the fucking baby ?" He stood there silent. "Stop fucking trying me !" I yelled as I hit his chest. "You know what take all yo mf shit and bounce the fuck outta here." I said going to the closet as I began to grab as much of his stuff as I could. "Yo what you doing chill out." He said. "You wanna run around making babies with bitches then you go live a happy life with that bitch !" I yelled throwing his clothes over the bannister as I watched them hit the floor downstairs I felt the tears coming. "Yo what's going on ?" King asked with Nique and Gilly following him. "This dumbass wanna make babies with his fucking ex and embarrass me again !" I yelled with tears running down my face. I walked into the room grabbing his PlayStation. "Airi you better not man. Just talk to me." He begged. "Airi chill out just calm down." Gilly said grabbing me. "Get off me Chris I'm not playing." I demanded. "Babymama this not you please just calm down." Nique begged me. I didn't care what anybody said nothing could calm me down I was fed up. I let go of his PlayStation as it hit the floor causing pieces to fly off of it. "You wanna keep playing with me huh ? You think I'm some lame ass bitch don't you !" I yelled as I followed Tray down the steps with everybody following behind me. "You not even hearing me out Airi !" He yelled back. "Ain't shit to hear ! You lied to me ! You got this bitch pregnant." I said still crying. I felt myself becoming more and more angry, I blacked out. "All you do is lie !" I yelled throwing a plate at him. "Airi you gon hurt somebody in here stop it." King said as he moved Nique out the way. "You keep playing with my emotions !" I yelled again this time throwing a folding chair at him. At this point I didn't care. I was going crazy throwing anything I could. It was glass everywhere. "Airi please stop before you hurt the baby or yourself." Nique said crying as King held her back. "Nique go upstairs we got this." He said turning her away. I fucking asked you Tray ! I asked you if you did any fucking thing with her and you lied to my face again !" I screamed with tears streaming down my face as I threw anything I could. "Sis calm down don't hurt the baby." King said trying to pull me back. "Airi I'm sorry." He pleaded. "You lied to my face. You embarrassed me again ! I hate you Tray I fucking hate you. Just get the fuck outta my life." I screamed throwing a vase at him. "Bro just go. Give her time." Gilly said handing him his keys. He stood there just looking at me as King hugged me trying to calm me down. "What the fuck are you looking at ?! Get your shit and go be with that bitch. Have a family with her. We're done !" I yelled at him. I watched as he stormed off. I heard his tires screech as he sped off. I stood there crying in Kings arms. "It's gon be alright sis. We got you I promise." He said as her rubbed my back rocking side to side. "How could he do this to me King ? Am I not good enough ? I did everything for him." I cried. "Come on you needa rest." He said walking me upstairs. The house was trashed. Glass was everywhere. As him and Gilly walked me to my room I heard Nique in her room crying. "Go get Nique." I said as I wiped my tears. Nique came in minutes later still crying after they left out. "Airi you scared me." She said still crying. "I'm sorry babymama. I didn't mean to scare you I just blacked out." I said hugging her. "You could've hurt yourself or Layla." She said hugging me back. "I know and I'm sorry." I said. She wiped her tears as she got herself together. "We got something for Micah after you have Layla and I have Kaiser." She nodded looking evil. Oh I definitely got something coming for her after Layla is born.

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