I'm taking you home

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Calebs P.O.V.

I gave myself a quick once over of my appearance one last time before heading out the door. My whole attire and style definitely makes me hotter than before. If that's even possible...

"Of course it's not possible dumbass. You're already sexy as fuck."

Oh why thank you, you little voice inside my head. See that? Even the little people in my head find me irresistible. Don't be shy it's ok. You can admit I happen to have the ability to make a whole room melt with my defined upper body. Not that the lower half of my body wasn't impressive either. Hell no. Even a blind man could see the obvious bulge in my jeans. And that's just the size of it when I'm not even aroused.

You can probably see why most would consider me conceded, however I like to just think I have great self-esteem. Either way, it was time to stop talking to myself and get my ass down to the theater.

Every Friday I drive down the block to the cinemas to catch a film and what I mean by "to catch a film" is "find a new toy to keep my weekend occupied". You'd be surprised at how easy it is to pick up random hookups at the movie theaters; especially Fridays. Lots of hot young guys go to the movies on Friday. And most of them end up in my bedroom at some point or another. One time, I even managed to bring home three guys at once. Now that was fucking sexy.

Walking through the doors I made my way to the ticket line. But something made me stop right in my track. Just that one glance had my heart rate rising and I had the sudden urge to take off my jacket as it just got really hot really fast.

Hot damn.

I was at a lost to words. I don't think I've ever seen a more appealing person in my life. There's even the chance he may have the potential to outsexify me. Me, nicknamed Sex God in eighth grade, and it still stuck to this day.

So obviously you could imagine how dreamy this boy was if he even is graced with being compared to myself never mind posing as an actual potential threat to be competition.

I hurried to get the place in line right behind him. I felt this need to be close. I was being pulled in by desire and I couldn't help try to get as close as possible without looking suspicious.


I just wanted to be close to the guy.

And smell him..

And touch him..

Lick him.

Taste him.

Be in him.

Have his scream out my name while- WOAH. Hold up there mister. I need to quit thinking like this before I break through my already tight jeans.

I was brought from my thoughts when a lady in back of me poked my shoulder indicating I was holding up the line while I was daydreaming. I quickly scrambled up to my respectful spot in line and noticed my man was taking out his wallet to pay for his ticket. Well now. We can't have that can we?

With large confident strides I approached him from the back and reached over him to hold his arm in place. Ignoring the close proximity of this god, I used my other hand to reach behind me to grab my wallet. I looked up to the lady behind the counter and handed her the money saying, "Make that two tickets for whatever he was going to see."

Giving me a skeptical look she passed two tickets through the window. I grabbed them both and starting walking away.

But I knew he wasn't going to follow me so I turned around, catching his burning gaze and raised my eyebrows.

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