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Eriks P.O.V

The last thing I remembered before I woke up was the conversation I had with Daniel. The one that ended in me going to my room and going to sleep. I knew that he hadn't meant what he said; I knew he was under a lot of pressure. Did it excuse what he said to me? Not in the least little bit, but I forgive him of course. He's my brother and he always will be. He's here for me now, even when my own parents aren't here. 

He was very right about one thing though, we needed to get out of our parents house. We are old enough to be on our own and we could definitely make it. I really have a lot to think about while I'm stuck in this hospital bed.

Maybe we could stay with Caleb? I mean just until we could get jobs and get on our feet. Maybe I can bring it up to the guys.

The door opened slowly and in walked Aaron like he owned the place. "Hey hot stuff." He said sitting next to me on the bed. "How are you feeling?"

"Oh, I'm great Aaron." I said sarcastically. "I've been out cold for like a week now. I have five different broken bones and I wake up in a hospital bed to find out that my parents don't even care if I'm dead or alive. How do you think I'm doing Aaron?"

"Sorry, just trying to make conversation." He laid his head on my shoulder. I flinched in pain. "Shit, I'm sorry."

"It's alright. It all hurts. So I heard a little bit of what went on earlier, with you and Mikala. Are you into her?" I laid my head onto him, hoping that it wouldn't hurt as much as him laying his head on me.

Sure he was just my fuck buddy, but we were really good friends too. We talked about everything, no matter how personal or how crazy it may be. I was okay with him being with Mikala. I knew if he was with her that meant we couldn't be sexual friends anymore. But I was okay with that. I loved having him as just a friend.

A best friend.

He kissed my forehead, not sexually at all of course. "She seems pretty chill. I mean I've got her number and stuff. We uh, we kind of fucked earlier in some empty room down the hall though.." He turned his face away from me. I could tell he was blushing.

"I know what we had been doing was nothing but just fucking. I kind of have these feelings for you that I can't explain."

"Aaron, it's okay. I understand. I like you too, but you're not gay. So don't feel bad about any of this. You need to move on in life too. I'll find someone just as fun and twice as cute." We both laughed. This was great, just talking as friends. I don't know why we had never done this before without the sex either before or afterwards.

"Don't plan on finding someone cuter than I am. You know I'm the hottest thing out there." we laughed again. He looked down and kissed my lips slow but all too quick. Someone knocked on the door and walked on in, not caring who was in here or what we could be doing.

It was Mikala. "Hey I know they said one at a time but me and my parents have to go soon. Do you think we could come in here and bug you for a bit?"

Aaron jumped off the bed and with his manly swag he walked out the door, eyeing Mikala up and down. "Come on in." She motioned for her parents to follow her and they all came in and took a seat.

Her father was the first to talk. "I'm sorry your parents couldn't be here, I'm sure their work is very impor-." Mikalas mother interrupted him.

"No, it's shit that they aren't here. Their work is not that important, but Erik we are glad that you are going to be fine. I know we haven't been all that friendly to you, it's not because you are into guys, it's because-." Mikala interrupted this time.

"Mom! I think that's enough. Anyway, we just wanted to make sure you were okay,  and see if there was anything that we could do for you. Anything at all." We had never been that close in the two years that she's been dating my brother, but she pulled my hand into hers. It was warm and sweaty, like she was nervous.

"Well I'd kill for a bacon cheeseburger and fries, maybe some ice cream." I said jokjngly.

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