First date?

511 29 15

Daniel's P.O.V.

I woke up with this killer headache. I looked over to my clock and it was already 10:53am. I forced myself to get out of bed and walked to the door. Opening it I went to Eriks room, but the door was open and he wasn't there.

After checking the whole house I plopped down on the couch and turned on the television. I searched through the channels but nothing good was on so I shut it off.

I laid down and shut my eyes hoping that this headache would just disappear when my phone vibrated on the coffee table. I picked it up swiping the screen to unlock it and read the text.

"Hey, I'm sorry for being such a jerk yesterday. Are you still down to go on our first date?"

It was Caleb.

Well of course I was still wanting to go on a date with him, but I wasn't sure if it was a good idea. I mean, He was kind of a jerk yesterday, plus I still don't know what to do about the whole gay thing. Maybe I should give this a try and see where it leads.

I decided I was going to go but I waited to text him back so he wouldn't think I was watching my phone for him.

I got up and went into the bathroom. I hated what I saw in the mirror. I looked like total shit. I picked up my brush and brushed through my hair. Then I picked up my straightener, yes I straighten my hair, and straightened it to the way I liked it. Then I went to my room and put on some blue skinny jeans and a black BOTDF shirt with my black converse.

I doubled checked myself in the mirror like I always did and decided that it would do. I picked up my phone and texted Caleb back.

"I'm ready whenever you are.."

There was no time in between my text and his.

"I decided we are doing it a little earlier than we had planned."

I checked the time. It was 12:21.

"What time are you thinking?" I replied.

He sent me one word. "Now."

Then another text came in. "I'm outside."

I grabbed my keys and my jacket and headed out the door and sure enough, there he was sitting on the hood of his truck looking even more sexy than the day before. He jumped off the hood when I reached him.

"Well you look.... great". He said looking me up and down.

"Uhm thanks, so do you."

He went to my side of the truck and opened the door for me. I walked around and got in as I was telling him thank you. He walked to his side, got in and started the truck.

I didn't ask where we were going because I just knew it was going to be good. We actually didn't talk much the whole drive there. It was just a little bit awkward after yesterday. I was really curious as to what he had planned though and that was when we pulled into a small parking lot that was filled with vehicles.

There was a few buildings that we could of been going into but none of them looked very inviting.. at least none of them did until I saw one building that was hidden more than the others but had a huge sign above the door. I couldn't make out the words because honestly, I wasn't paying much attention to words when I could watch Caleb walk around the truck to me.

He came and opened my door like a perfect gentleman. He shut the door and led the way to the small hidden building. The closer we got, the easier it was to see the words that were plastered on the sign that that read, 'Gay is the way".

Oh shit. What did he bring me to?

My stomach sunk and my first instinct was to run and never look back, but for some reason I couldn't move my legs. My body continued to stand right where it was.

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